I just got this a week ago and noticed last night that the tire is not centered in the frame opening. If I measure with a tape measure to the rim, it is 11/16" on one side and 13/16" on the other. The tire seems even worse, but no real good measuring surface. Should I bee alarmed and ask for a replacement or is this fairly normal and OK. I spent ALOT of hard earned money on this UNI and don’t want a reject.
Well, that is way off center. Try what it’s like when you put the wheel in the other way around. If it’s off center to the other side it means the wheel is built off center. That would only require some truing of the wheel then. Otherwise the frame might be asymmetrical. In which case you should have it replaced.
I dont think it will affect your riding that much, dont worry bout it, this is what my uni looks like
Nothing there that a drop of WD40, some T-Cut and a spoke key wouldn’t fix
I flipped it around and it appeared to go to the other side. But not as much. Looks like it could be the wheel. Could it be a combination of the two??? Do I deal with UDC or KHU? Guess I will start with calling UDC tomorrow and see what to do?
Sounds like it is a combination of both. I think I would leave it in the other way around then. See how it rides first. But you should put the cranks on the other other way too, otherwise the pedals might come loose.
If you have a good spoke key you can do the fine tuning of the wheel yourself. Just loosen the one side like half a turn or so and tighten the other side by the same amount. Maybe it will be good enough after that.
It’s no big deal and less of a hassle than having the uni replaced.
Have you already tried to spin the wheel fast and look if tire clearance changes on the left and right side? If so the wheel is simply not trued well.
It looks to me like the wheel isn’t just off center but tilted a bit to the side. If that is actually the case I think it would imply that either the wheel is not seated properly in the frame or that the frame is somehow off.
- Can you tell if the hub flanges also appear to be off center in the frame?
- If you take the wheel out and place the frame (without bearing caps) on a flat level surface does the whole frame tilt slightly?
I think UDC will be able to handle any warranty problems you have.
It seems fairly straight on a level surface, maybe a hair off. The tire when spinning is a little wobbly. The hub flange seems centered. I am a machinist by trade, so I CAN measure things accurately (usually). I think its a combo of BOTH frame and wheel. I don’t think I want to switch it and call it “good enough”, and I paid good money for this so I don’t think I should have to try and true the wheel (if I even could). MY $80.00 UDC Dodger doesn’t have this problem, but my $600.00 KH does???
If the tire is wobbly when spinning, the the wheel is out-of-true. It will be hard to judge the frame until you take care of the wheel. I am not that great at getting a wheel true-ed (trood?) up. A local bike shop can do it easily. I’ve seen charges discussed here between $10 - $30. to do the job.
It is frustrating that your expensive uni has a wheel that needs truing, while your cheapo uni does not. However, a wheel that needs truing is not uncommon.
ahaha wtf?
Well talked with UDC today and they want me to take the uni to LBS and have the wheel trued to the frame. They will pick up the charges. Saves shipping back and forth. So took it tonight to LBS and will have back tomorrow and will see how she looks. Will keep updated. UDC very willing to make this right.
Well, I just got a KH29 frame to replace a previously ordered Nimbus II frame that did not have enough clearance and when I installed the wheel I had the same problem that you reported with your KH24 frame. In my case I knew that the wheel was not an issue since it was centered in the Nimbus frame. However, I noticed that one of the frame brackets had a larger gap than the other frame bracket. This suggested that one of the bearings was not completely seated into the frame. I tested the gap on both sides using the same frame bracket (just to remove one more variable) and saw the same discrepancy in the gap. However, try as I might I could not seem to fix the problem. There was nothing obvious keeping the bearing from seating properly and it was impossible to see any difference visually other than the gap mentioned above. Then, after 20 minutes of frustration, I looked at the wheel and noticed that it was suddenly centered. I put on the bottom frame brackets and now they had the same sized gaps. Apparently something I did fixed the problem but I’m not sure what it was.
So it seems that seating the bearings properly into the KH frame can be very tricky business. Try comparing the gaps between the bottom brackets and the frame on both sides and see if you notice any difference. Maybe you are experiencing the same issue.
Got it back tonight and lo and behold I have a centered wheell in my frame. LBS did a great job with quick turn around for only $14.00. Thanks to all who posted with ideas and suggestions. These are the reasons why when UDC suggested truuing, I agreed. Because all of YOU said it could be an issue. Again THANK YOU.
Great to hear that it was not a frame issue. Happy riding.
Also, great point from Minimalist re: cap spacing
Me too =)
Glad it worked out.
Thanks Kris. 1st KH… definately not the last one. It is the best made of all the unis I have. Keep up the great work.