Frame design.

After a couple after noons brain storming ideas for a cool, yet strong trials frame, i came opon this idea…

tell me what you think…

looks nice but i think your legs my hit the sides a little

Re: Frame design.

Should be in RSU. And I think you need some sloping reinforcement parts to go up from that cross-crown to the seat tube, or it would be prone to bending at the bottom of the seat tube. Well maybe not but that seems like the weakest spot.

Klaas Bil

I don’t really see how it’s gonna make it stronger at all.

Like Klaas said, the point where the seatpost joins the rest of the fram is going to be no stronger than a conventional frame. The only thing I can see to make it stronger is that the fork legs would not be able to fold over themselves. And although i’m sure someone will prove me wrong, I’ve never heard of that happening anyway.

Thanks for the imput guys, im gona modify the design a little and then post pics.



There was a guy in Corvallis Oregon making a frame with the X style crown idea. I don’t have any pictures of it. Anyone have pictures of it?

Problems with that X style design are width and bulk which means the frame could be a knee knocker.

Just wanted to post and say that I liked your new style of response to input. Be sure to keep us posted on your design. :slight_smile:

i Havent the slightest clue if that wll work but it does looks really cool maybe might be more of a novelty unicycle though, but cool none the less.
