Found this old clip of me on "VR Troopers"

He who lives in a glass house…

If you weren’t flakier than a French pastry, you’d have ridden with me by now, and you could verify my age. You’ve passed up over a half-dozen chances now… does that make you a MuniPhobe instead of a MuniAddict?

Lol yes vanpaun, thanks, I get that. I wouldn’t call that a ‘good one’.

Oh snap!

Mmmm, pastry! :slight_smile:

Name he time and place. Let’s meet soon and settle our “differences”. What do you say? deal? Btw, how many “muni-phobes” do you know that ride 7 days a week?

wow that was cool thanks terry
i clicked the link with out reading anything then i heard you voice and was like wooh it’s terry ???

Thanks Colin. It was fun but yeah, corny as heck, lol!

haha, read my response to miss-tro. :sunglasses: “Snap” might very well be the perfect word! :roll_eyes:

In a Z formation?

Baklava is freaking delicious, just sayin’.

Yes I am! :p;):o Wait! Wasn’t “Baklava” on that show, “Perfect Strangers?”


Haha yea, I’m the brick house to the wolf trying to blow it down! :sunglasses:

What, so you can flake on that meeting, too?

I freakin’ co-hosted CMW 07. I broadcasted that I would be at RTL, the SF Coker ride and CMW 08. What more do you want?

And what do you mean by settle our differences?

Check your PM, which is where this belongs anyway.

Lots of venom dripping from this thread. Forgive and forget?:slight_smile:

Really cool Terry. It seemed like you had two consciousnesses, very entertaining.

I hope that’s a joke. Jason’s one of the most intelligent, amusing people on these boards.

Yeah, I wouldnt say amusing.

Meh, your opinion. I enjoy his posts.

:roll_eyes: You don’t have to appreciate or agree with his brand of humor, but don’t be flat-out mean.

Well I agree with you on the desert island thing, mostly cause Terry is older and therefore his meat would be stringy. :frowning:

^^twss protected^^


Maestro doesnt have to agree with Terrys humor, specially from a clip that is years old, but he just calls out Terry to be just reaching out for attention and also bringing up an old subject of Terry not being able to ride with him yet.

Many times Maestro has amusing and good posts, but he matches those posts with ones that are “Flat-out mean.” Everyone knows that.