Woot ! … a whole 6 bucks
If ya tell me where you lost it …
(where I found it)
… I’ll give it back
Woot ! … a whole 6 bucks
If ya tell me where you lost it …
(where I found it)
… I’ll give it back
I lost it in chicago.
Nope … not in Chicago
Re: Found money while uniing
I usually find anywhere from a quarter to a dollar while I’m unicycling by checking the change slot in the newspaper machines. Then I go spend it to buy candy.
<slight threadjack>There’s a vending machine here at the U of I library that is seriously built so that you can take Sobe’s out of it without paying. There’s a handle at the flap where it drops the drinks, and when you open it you can reach right up and pull it out. I try to pay for my drink when I do have money, but recently it stole my $1.75 without giving it to me, so I’m not on speaking terms with it at the moment.
</slight threadjack>
Well, if I knew exactly where I lost it, then it wouldn’t be lost. I think I left it somewhere near Chicago.
Where were you around 4:30pm CST …?
Re: Found money while uniing
No, I’m the one who lost it. Here, I’ll describe it for you:
17 quarters
8 dimes
12 nickels
35 pennies
I’ll be by to collect it.
Wow Bruce!
That’s alot to change to lose in one spot
You must have a HUGE hole in your pocket.
Be sure to check you shoes, some might have slipped in by your socks.
But, I’m sorry to say, that I didn’t find your change
Out test driving cars.
What car, where …?
I don’t know what car I was in at that time. I was probably waiting around for the salesman to get the keys after they spewed out all the boring details about the car. I’m more of a let me drive the thing and if I like I’ll go home and research it online.
me, mine
i was up unicycling in aaaahhhhhh… oh, ya, where-ever u found the money when…
all of a sudden my uni slipped out from under me