Foss out of town some more

Sorry about the high volume of mail I’m piling on tonight. I promise not to post
anything more for the rest of the month. That’s because I’ll be driving up to
Montana, and working there starting my new job.

I was just away for a couple of weeks being trained, and was pleased to see the
large amount of unicycling email that awaited me upon my return home. I guess
that means all you college guys (and girls, I hope) are back enjoying your FREE
internet access. If you don’t care about my personal life, read no further.

I will be working for a company called United Church Directories. We make
booklets for churches, similar to yearbooks, that primarily show pictures and
addresses of the congregation. The main part of the job is portrait photography.
The directories are made, and provided to the church, for free. In return, we
photograph families and individuals and offer professional portraits in various
sizes and finishes for people to buy.

I’m learning to be a professional portrait photographer. We carry a lot of
equipment with us, including a video recording system to view the proofs
immediately. I’m glad I already had a van, because I need it! I’ll be working
(mostly) within a 150 mile radius of my home, but my first day of “soloing” will
be this Tuesday in Great Falls, Montana! That’s a 2 day drive.

Because I’ll be on the road, staying in motels a lot, and because I can’t yet
afford the Pentium laptop computer that I want, my communications will be
sporadic. I will do as much as I can on rules committee things on my own, but I
prefer to use a keyboard for writing because I can go almost 70wpm and still be
able to read it.

Thus, I have finally fufilled my three major objectives after moving to CA, car,
house, and job. But the ‘house’ part may be up in the air soon, and the ‘job’ is
still very new. I will make no excuses.

Part of my training last week was in Silicon Valley. I visited the Intel Museum,
which is located in the company’s home office in Santa Clara. It’s very
interesting what they can make out of sand these days . . . . and what they have
to wear when they do it!

I also ate lunch in a restaurant right in front of the main office of Macintosh.
Computer nerds everywhere! It was very interesting.

Stay on Top, and I hope you get to ride more than me! John Foss, IUF President