Forums, getting boring -_-

I love spam.

I love spam…

I love spam…

I love spam…

I love spam…

I love spam…

I love spam

I love spam…

I love spam…

I love spam…

I love spam…

I love spam…

I didn’t think anyone could love Spam that much :astonished: :roll_eyes: or anyone like spam.

Man, i would never think that you wouldn’t be doing this crap my friend. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, i agree with the fact that the forums aren’t like they used to be. When i 1st joined up. It was fun and enjoyable. But now…I don’t know…it’s still fun cause i’ve met a lot of interesting people who are now on my MSN. But it seems to be lacking something that seems to have disappeared and i don’t know what that thing is. :thinking:

I’ve been pretty bored for the last couple of days. 1Its been raining for the past week just about and 2 on the only day it wasnt raining I was fixxing my window.:frowning:
I guess I’ll go to the movies today. Movies suck, espically most of the newer movies.

Welcome to my ignore list. Population: 1. Should’ve ignored you long ago.

Someone tell me if he decides to start using his pills.

Haha lmao

Tyrone is my hero. :wink:

There you go.


You’ve been here 4 months and you think it’s boring already? I’ve been here for over 4 years. :slight_smile: