Forum moderation

Some recent threads have been closed. That’s how it goes when things get out of hand. Something has to be done from the outside if users can’t self regulate or exhibit some degree of self control from the inside.

One of these threads in the JC forum spoke of that forum dying. Actually, quite the opposite is true. It’s exploding. There are many more members suddenly and they represent a specific demographic. There has been an enormous increase in the number of JC threads and many of them have taken on a peculiar and rather unpleasant flavor. Frankly, I think the two are corelated.

Think about what you’re writing and think about who your audience is. Your audience is international, is both male and female, and ranges in age from under 12 to over 60. Watch your language, do you want to appear rude? Watch your spelling and grammar, do you want to be misunderstood? Watch your content, do you want to appear stupid, arrogant, or whiny? Think BEFORE you press the “SUBMIT” button so you don’t have to defend yourself or have regrets AFTER you press it.

Just Conversation still has some light, interesting, fun, informative, and inciteful threads. Rules? Just keep them that way. It’s not difficult; just exercise some self control.

Thank you Greg.

I also want to remind everyone, and let those that are newer know, that these forums are intended to be self policing and should not require anyone to moderate them. If we have to start moderating these forums, it puts a lot more work on us which could otherwise be used to enhance this site and share unicycling info.

The group of people that are on this forum is much different than most other forums on the internet. I think that is in large part because many of us have actually had the chance to meet each other in person. So when making a post, please think and consider if you would say it if you were saying it in person.

Thank you, Greg, for the whole comment.

An excellent way to be on any forum.

Well said.

Thank you.


no that you guys have said this you still need to be more forceful to people wo arent being resectfull to the forum

I believe Greg also mentioned proof reading your posts before hitting submit.

Greg and Gilby,
Thanks for this thread. It’s something that needed to be said.

now that you guys have said this you still need to be more forceful to people who arent being resectfull to the forum

there is that better



this needs to be made into a sticky, so we don’t have to bump it. it deserves to be read by all.



Thanks harper!

Harper? He started this thread but I think only Gilby can make threads sticky. Thread glue is hard to come by.

Klaas Bil

amen harper


I didn’t know that. Thanks. Go Gilby!

Wonderful post! I’ll remember what you said!

Re: Forum moderation

Mmmm…root beer!

Just to have it stated once again, it needed to be said, and it needed to be said this way!

I think this forum is a wonderful place to learn about unicycling and to get tips from other riders. Keep it that way!

Unicycling? I think that would be fun to try. Especially since I go to this youth center and they have a bunch lying around, maybe i’d be ok at it.

Oh wait, I can unicycle, i’ve just not done it hardly. But i’ve been busy learning how to juggle, play violin, rap with my buddy Josh, and working, so hopefully I don’t forget how to ride the wheel,

Ok, i’m done now,


I may not post as frequently as I use to, but I still visit the forums multiple times a day to moderate and read the threads. If you have an issue that needs to be resolved I am also availabe on AOL IM as Accord442. Thank you to everyone who has aided in making these forums a fun and relaxed place to discuss unicycling.

Stay on top and stay true,

Adam “Air” Bourne