I always have found it interesting how, probably due to the impersonal nature of forums, younguns* feel comfortable challenging, accusing, and even insulting people much older than them, sometimes twice their age or more. Maybe its just the way I was raised, but this seems really disrespectful and improper.
If all the younguns* here were to meet these people in a real life situation, I don’t think I would see such behaviors.
Honestly, I vote to give respect where its due. There seems to be a lack of it here. I’m not saying younguns and adults shouldn’t argue or discuss, but that the petty crap is unnecessary, childish, and will probably only serve to drive away more and more adults as this forum becomes increasingly overrun with self-righteous kids.
Any other thoughts on the matter?
*No specific age, but anywhere from early 20s or younger (myself included).
People always tend to say things on the internet that they definitely wouldn’t say in real life…it’s like throwing a rock with a note tied to it through a window, if you don’t like something about someone, you can flame them then log off before they have a chance to retort, or even apologize if that’s what they would do anyway.
It’s all very immature.
Haha, I suppose I should specify WHY I don’t like Texas. Mainly, its just the climate, fire ants, lack of mountains, and proximity to family/friends (all of which are on the east coast). Oh, and I always forget the tax rate here is like 8.25% or something, in PA its 6%, and clothes and food aren’t taxed. Did I mention there are no mountains?
The people here are pretty friendly. I like most Texans, just not most of Texas.
The climate’s really bothering me now. Tomorrow its supposed to reach a high of 70 degrees fahrenheit…ITS DECEMBER. ITS SUPPOSED TO BE COLD.
11 Days til I go home to PA
I’m just not a born and bred Texan. I don’t quite fit here.
Its not just this forum, its the internet as a whole. People definitely tend to show their ‘true colors’ so to speak when hiding behind the safety of their monitors. In real life, they may not be so apt to say things in a certain manner due to physical attributes associated with the people involved. Kinda like, “if I say that, he’s going to kick my a$$.” haha!
The other problem with the internet is someone can say something and if 10 people read what was written they will all come back with different perspectives of the matter. I find that people I know in real life that have a very optimistic personality rarely find anything written to be a direct accusation at them. However, people with very poor outlooks on life tend to take everything to be offensive in some way, even if that was not the original intent. I know I am guilty of both. If I am having a good day, I will take what was said as light humor, if I am having a bad day, I will take what was said as an insult. That’s why these smilies are so great! They can truly show how the post was intended to be. (see, I’m smiling, so I am not intending to attack anyone personally) I am also on a motorcycle forum where we have about 50+ smiley emoticons. My favorite is the smiley with the thumbs up sign. That would go perfect here.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that people on the interwebs can be more excplicit with their feelings and can get pretty mean.
I tend to treat everybody exactly the same no matter what their age is though. but that’s all around. not just on the web.
I know how that is! I am ALWAYS eating! I love food! Which goes good with a fast metabolism. If I didn’t love food, I think I would shrivel down to nothing! I am 5’6’’ and 110 lbs and eat as much as my friends that weigh 180+ I don’t know where it goes. haha!
I don’t know… I tend to question people all the time, regardless of their age. Ask my teachers…
And I try to be polite to people all the time. I don’t always manage, I’m sorry.
I think sometimes I’m more withdrawn in real life. But that’s because real life is always around you. Internet you can just switch off if you wanna withdraw.
I am the same way as Ivan, I question people no matter their age, wether or not I am on the internet.
Although in real life I’m much more withdrawn, however I am unfortunately becoming less withdrawn and speaking out more and tend to come off as a much ruder person than I want to come off as.
Normally I do try to be polite though, if i come off as rude let me know and I’ll do my best to be nicer and more polite.
My goal when I use the internet is to be as much of a jackass as possible. It has to do with a therapeutic cathartic release, I think. If I confine my jackassery to the internet then I’m safer when I’m in the real world.
With this in mind, I still try not to be outright rude to anyone. Hurtful remarks hurt–that is why we say that they are hurtful.
i give respect where it is due
i give props where it is due
i make it clear i think you are stupid when you say something that is really dumb (especially if you are shooting your mouth off (out of curiosity do i do that?)
and i wont hesitate to say it to your face and say it behind the anonymity of the internet
There’s actually a song I like that deals with that very thing: the anonymity created by cars. Here’s the lyrics of “Gridlock Caravans” by Death Cab for Cutie.
Starched white shirts, so neatly pressed by domestic muses
Feed dilusions that everything is working out right,
But your ribs can’t withstand increasing weight
As your heart gets heavier and sooner or later,
It falls to the tips of your toes.
And every day tastes like inhaling
When you just lit the wrong end (that plastic burning scent). Your only friends are on the exit ramps of gridlock caravans.
You try to ask how they’ve been,
But the metal and glass is too thick.
To a degree, I think this has translated into normal life…I see the same types of behavior between people walking on the street. Its as if our automobile/internet-induced anonymity has begun to pervade our daily lives. Everything’s impersonal. I guess it also has to do with so many people being in one area, its hard to deal with everyone on a one-on-one basis. Eh. I don’t know where I’m going with this.