Fortunately Unfortunately

[B]Ever notice how good and bad luck seem to strike at the same time?

This is a story building game. Everybody posts two lines, first line starts “Fortunately…” and the second one starts “But unfortunately…”

Lets see how creatively you all can avoid disaster then find yourself in equally bad trouble.

I will start[/B]

I was riding my MUni down a trail when I took a tumble over the side of a cliff.

Fortunately I grabbed onto a tree root on my way down

But Unfortunately it was dead and broke off in my hand…

I had a blind date with last night!

Fortunately she was a smokin’ hot blonde!

Unfortunately…(no she wasn’t blind! That’s too obvious lol) she brought her mom along as a chaperon, and her teeth kept falling out when she laughed! So her mom kept telling her not to laugh and they wouldn’t keep falling out! :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately, people don’t seem to understand this game.

Fortunately, these people will now go and read the first post a bit better.

Fortunately mass confusion is sort of funny

But unfortunately this isn’t looking much like a story

Here is an example of how it works

Should we start over?

Let’s continue with this one

Fortunately I landed on a small ledge.

But unfortunately I was sharing the ledge with a bear.

Fortunately it was a female bear.

Unfortunately, she was in heat.

Fortunately I’m a furry so I didn’t mind.

Unfortunately I have her aids.

Fortunately I don’t care.

Unfortunately my immune system does.

Fortunately you immune system is too good.

Unfortunately she gives you 3 types of STI’s

Fortunately one of the story tellers is not obsessed with obtaining diseases through bestiality.

Unfortunately a wasted line in the story gave me time to fall of the ledge.

Fortunately the bear caught you before you fell too far

Unfortunately, her male is back

Fortunately peta was there and brought you to their camp.

Unfortunately everybody who supports peta is gay and has sex with animals.

Fortunately, you are a furry, or so you said before, and you are OK with it

Unfortunately, you are a furry and they see you as an animal

Fortunately you find a Gillett fusion razor

unfortunately You cut your self and attract rats.

fortunately it attracted emo kids, that wanted to help, as well

unfortunately the emo kids’ idea of helping you was to cut themselves as well, and write poetry about how they feel your pain

Fortunately they weren’t that creative and finally went to go cry in a corner.

Unfortunately your all alone, and are completely lost.

Fortunately, I like being alone and getting “completely lost” in a good classic Movie!

Unfortunately, I have an analog TV and “lost” my TV signal! :astonished:

Fortunately you find it.

Unfortunately you find it somewhere you wish you hadn’t put it.

Fortunately, you find your analog signal with your other wheel.

Unfortunately, your other wheel happens to be a Troxel unicycle with a solid tire, welded-on “crank arms,” pressed-on pedals, and a seat that gives you saddle sores just looking at it; but it’s been so long since you’ve seen it, you decide to take it for a ride down to the bar.

Fortunately, you make it to the bar without hearing any stupid “where’s the other wheel?” jokes.

Unfortunately, you realize you forgot your wallet once you get to the bar.