Yes, for the other Mozilla fans (all zero of them, based on the number of replies…)
Don’t let running out of screen space stop you. On mine, the last one that fits (sort of fits) looks messed up and you can’t click to focus on the text field. But you can tab into it and Ctrl-V. Presumably, you get “one more” but you can’t see it. I get an hourglass for a second or two.
Also, if you hit Enter or Go in one of the previous ones, all the others below it go away, then you get one new one. So, you really can play around for a long, long time.
I like Mozilla a lot, and I “standardized” on it a while ago, but I eventually switched back to IE. Same thing happened some time ago with Opera (except that I payed for that).
There are two things that IE has that Mozilla 1.3 does not. Smooth scrolling and the “Copy” (as in Copy / Paste) function when you right-click on an image. It is grayed out for me. Don’t know why.
I’ll try Firebird. I just read about it. It has smooth scrolling. And I only need the browser part anyway. I use Forte Agent (the best newsreader in the world) for email.
I played with this strange feature for about five pointless minutes, which are irrevocably GONE. But in the end, I think I am ending up with a better browser. So it’s a happy ending, after all. Thanks.
I never used smooth scrolling in IE… occasionally you find a page where it goes mental and takes ages to scroll down; then when you let go of the key it keeps going for ages. Grrr!
The version of Moz I’m using (1.4b) has a “copy image location” menu option, a “view image” option which opens it in your image program, and automatic resizing.
Smooth scrolling is evil. I have Mozilla 1.3 and I can’t get rid of it. (Doesn’t have smooth scrolling?)Can anyone enlighten me? (About the smooth scrolling disabling, that is.) I’m a nerd, but not that much.
PS My new KH non-splined trials uni should be here on Monday!
Everything2 is the internet procrastination tool to end all internet procrastination tools. It is truly astounding how long you can spend on there just reading stuff, finding interesting links at the bottom, reading them, finding more links, ad infinitum…
I don’t know why yours smooth scrolls and mine doesn’t. I am going to upgrade to Firebird. It HAS smooth scrolling. Which means that it probably also has a way to turn it OFF. Try Firebird and turn off smooth scrolling. Of course, this is not logical, but it may work…
You’ll forgive me if I didn’t download the thing, but I screwed around with some of my mouse settings in Control Panel and my scroll wheel makes everything scroll so smoothly now. I had also considered that my slow old comp might just be too slow. Thanks again.