For the more relaxing ride

Bad back?
Tired knees?
Take the stress out of unicycling with the all new recumbant unicycle!

I’d buy one! :smiley:

These don’t really exist. It’s just me arsing around with photoshop…

Cool uni:D

I like how they’re just casually idling while talking to the muggle.

That is just plain wrong.

It belongs in RSU;)

Woohoo. My 500th post. A minor milestone.

I didn’t see the fine print at first. I kinda figured photoshop was somehow involved. Too many problems would exist;

  1. A UPD would just plain suck. Especially for the kid trapped in the back seat.

  2. The two riders would have to be telapathically ‘as one’ to coordinate balance.

  3. The way their talking with the ‘muggle’ they’d likely be idling. Can’t EVEN imagine that.

Fun though.

Of course the front wheel is plain to see in the shadow. But that just leaves one wondering, what the hell is the guy doing? Is it really a wheelie, ridden so casually between the pedestrians?

Here’s the original…

I prefer the first one better.

HA HA thats great, is it hard to do that kind of stuff (excuse the stupidity but…i dont have photoshop :roll_eyes: )

No, it’s not too difficult to do.
Using photoshop I cut and pasted the front wheel underneath the frame, then used the clone stamp tool to take out the rear wheel, shadows, rear frame and the front guy’s left leg.
Then cut and pasted a cog onto the bottom wheel and added a chain with the line tool.
About 5 minutes work.
Hey, it was a slow day in work today, ok?