I got Kris Holm One Tired Guy DVD i am looking to sell for $20 or trade for universe 2 movie. i live in Austin, MN
if you like roach armor, we could work out a trade…look for my listing for more info if your interested.
no sorry if i need armor i would rather buy it new it just grosses me out to think that it’s used.
I will trade my Universe 2 for your 1 tired guy,
however, the DVD I have is a copy because my
original purchased DVD cracked in the center
where the DVD snaps in.
I made a perfect copy, and can also give you
the original DVD cover and box and the copy.
pm sent
yeah, i wiped my ass with it on the trail more than once so your probobly right.
i just think about how much i sweat when unicycling and your probably no better.