For canoe fans only

I grew up in Ct next to a lake with a canoe. Mine was an aluminium gruman and I sat in the back, I guess because that was where the seat was.

This might be boring to most of you. I think I just miss the small tranquil lakes of my youth. The ocean here is cool, but not the same.

So anyway, uni riders have staged competitions at least as questionable, maybe some of you will like this.

Great video and GREAT thread idea.

Have you seen any of the performances by Jonathan Hammond? Here are two of my favorite.

YouTube - 2007 Freestyle Canoeing Routine - Phantom of the Opera

YouTube - 2008 Freestyle Canoeing Routine Pirates of the Carribean

And of course, anything by Karen Knight! Oh, and in the purely graceful department, we have to mention Becky Mason.

I canoe, but not freestyle. I’ll post about that later tonight. Any other canoeists out there?

Sports like Freestyle Canoeing reinforce the idea that Freestyle Unicycling is undoubtedly a sport. :slight_smile: This sport is closer to golf than it is to unicycling. But it is beautiful and graceful. I just think it offers a limited range of moves that can be done, but the sport is young. It might get a lot more interesting in a few years.

Is kayaking close enough? I have a bright yellow Spirit Racing Ski w/ surf rudder.

Still getting the hang of the balance in rougher waters. It doesn’t appear to be directly transferable with unicycling. :slight_smile: No more warm weather here for a while, so it might sit in the backyard for a few months.

Nice, my old canoe partner dabbled a bit in freestyle canoeing. She showed me some moves when we lead a trip on the churchill system.

Some really cool stuff that can translate to the real world but I can’t ever see myself doing reverse grip forward stroke after a cross bow draw like they do.

“DO A SPIN!.. do… ANOTHER SPIN!.. ok let’s go get lunch.”

I kept waiting for him to lift the front or back of the canoe…

I’m fascinated by freestyle canoe. But yeah, I wish there was more they could do. There’s actually more subtlety happening than the first-time observer might see. Not that I’m an expert.

This reminded me of whoever it is that had/has a tagline about dancing with a unicycle. Can’t remember who, but I think it was someone who has been on the forum for a good while.

That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anyone dance with a canoe.

Maybe I’m a dinosaur, but I still think of canoes and unicycles as modes of transportation rather than as dance partners. Any excuse to listen to good music will work for me though.

I do love a good canoe though. I built one in my bedroom when I was 15. Canvas hull, and only paint kept the water out of it. Many hours of paddling on, and occasionally in Lake Chelan.

I currently own an Old Town canoe, but it doesn’t get much use since my wife had both knees replaced. I remain hopeful.