Blake referred to Elephant Heaven in another post, and it made me think about this question.
For those of you going to Heaven, will it be overrun with rats and fleas? And bacteria and viruses? Billions of those things die every day!!! Can they get into Heaven? Human Heaven? Or is there a Rat Heaven and Flea Heaven?
I’m sure Bugman wonders if there’s a Heaven for Bugmen, hey Chad?? Or do Bugman have to work in Heaven, and sweep out the new bug souls that arrive every minute, sent to Heaven by the living Bugmen on Earth? Where do the Bug Souls go after being exterminated from Heaven?
Do you believe in a separate Heaven for dogs, or cats, or elephants?
If one can manage to get their dog or cat to participate in Holly Communion it might make it to Heaven assuming that it doesn’t get distracted on the way up and chase a mouse or squirrel through the gates of Hell.
And be careful that you never swallow a bug in the wine while partaking in Holly Communion cause that bug will have just bought a free ride to Heaven.
Some years back there was a story in the local paper, the Asbury Park Press, about a police dog that was shot by a drug dealer during an arrest. Letters to the editor repeatedly referred to the dog as a hero - deserving of a memorial - and the man as an animal.
I have to assume that dog is in heaven and the dealer, when his time comes, will not be so situated.
And anyway with movies like this, how can there be any doubt that animals go to heaven.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with my wife. Will you still have your tattoos in heaven? I hope there’s not a separate heaven for tattooed people because then I’ll have to get a hall pass to visit my wife.
Reminds me of a song by the Crash Test Dummies. Two of the lines go:
“If your eye gets poked out in this life
Will it be waiting up in heaven with your wife?”
I know this thread is officially dead, but the temptation to post was irresistible.
We live near a pet cemetery and I always get a kick out of seeing white crosses in it.
What are people thinking of when they place a cross on their pet’s grave? Maybe “Fluffy led an exemplary dog life and was such a good Christian” or “Goodbye Cricket, until we meet again” or pehaps “Poor Snowball. She deserved better than this. Never missed a blessing of the animals her whole life.”
In May, our beloved Willey, pictured at left, had to be put to sleep. In case you are wondering, he is not in the pet cemetery.
May Willey and all deceased pets (even the ones with little white crosses) rest in peace.