For all the new Clive Owens fans

Not many people have seen these. BMW released a set of short films on their website as a form of advertising. They’re all directed by different famous directors (Ang Lee, John Woo, etc). Clive Owens is the main character in all of them. Anyways, if you’re interested: Check out ‘Hostage’ first; its one of the better ones.

Do you know if they plan on making any more? The last time I saw these was a couple of years ago, and there don’t appear to be any new ones… :frowning:

They are fantastic, though. My favourite is “Ticker”, with “Star” a close second (not as exciting, but most amusing…)


Can’t say I’d mind too much if they did make more. Perhaps they’re waiting for a new BMW model to unveil? The last ones were made when the Z4 just came out. shrug