Footbag anyone?

I just got into foot bag recently. It is an awesome way to stretch out after lots of riding.

anyone else a foot bag person?

got any tips for a beginner or any links to some good sites?


Re: Footbag anyone?

The Footbag Worldwide Information Service, of course. :slight_smile:

Like devil sticks, another activity I’m incompetent at.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Yeah, i used to do a lot of foot bag, its actually a really good exercise

So are there any newsgroups like this one for foot bag?

And what actually do you call a person who engages in the sport of foot bag? footbager? :thinking:


If FWIS seems to just refer to them as “players”, but if footbaggers are anything like unicyclists, then I’ll bet this has been debated on their newsgroup.

Personally, in the spirit of the LOTR threads, I would say they should be called Footbaggins.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

So Raphael, is the FWIS newsgroup worth signing up for? It seemed pretty cumbersome and strict to sign up… kind of puts one off after being in the relaxed atmosphere of rsu.

But if the end is worth the means I’ll go for it. What do you think? Do you have much experience with the footbag ‘players’ ’ newsgroup?



Sorry, I have nothing really to say about the newsgroup other than some quick searches in relation to your request. Their site seems (and I did not dig deeply) to limit searches to author and the subject line, unlike here, or google, where you can search the complete text of the messages.

So, I think your own level of interest will have to dictate how much trouble you’re willing to go to to participate. Perhaps the FWIS is an official organ of organized footbagging and there are other, less formal, newsgroups out there.

Footbagging has been a curious thing to me. I appreciate the extreme level of skill and practice necessary to become proficient, beyond the point of a couple of bops off ones foot. But I don’t really understand why one would want to limit the manipulation of an object to only ones feet. Footbagging is obviously a form of juggling (although I’m not sure how footbagginses would feel about that) and lots of great jugglers use their feet as well as their hands, and head, teeth, elbows, etc. Of course, this is all my personal feelings and so has no real bearing on anyone else’s interests.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Good point Raphael. However, being a juggler I actually find that foot bag is a nice complement to juggling where I use predominately my hands. Plus also foot bag, at least at this early stage of being a beginner, gives me more of a work out than juggling so I find that a plus.

I guess the two sports put together would result in a whole body workout then, wouldn’t they?:smiley:
Cool. :sunglasses:


In New Zealand, I do not know anyone who plays footbag. However hacky sack is a popular game. I used to play hacky regularly at school and since then I have not played anywhere near as often. It is a lot of fun especially with a group of people. Some people at school used to play branding rules, where you throw the hackey at, or punch people if they drop it. That takes away some of the fun but increases the fun for those who like to bully others. People involved in a game of hacky sack are usually called Hacky players as far as I know (I doubt any refer to themselves as Hackers). The game basicly involves keeping the Hacky in the air using any part of the body apart from arms and hands, attempting to go around the group (usually arranged in a circle) getting everyone to touch it. You are not supposed to serve to yourself, always throw it to someone else. Some people are very creative in thinking of moves and they can make the simple game look quite complicated. I found it to be quite hard on the knees due to lots of leaping to kick the Hacky. My brother ordered a 32 panel hacky off the internet and it is superior to control than the crotcheted hackeys. You can get them with even more panels but they are quite expensive. I found this link to the history of Hacky Sack which you can check out if you are interested.

Hacky sack, or as you call it, foot bag, is a great exercise for foot-eye coordination. Everyday at lunch, weather permiting, my friends and I would hacky sack. The only advice I would give you is to hacky sack with other people, because that’s the best way to learn. Also, practice both legs, and both sides and the top of your foot. Just make sure you have control when you hit it, and make a direct hit, so you can know where it will go, so you can have mutiple hits.

First it is spelled footbag. Second hackey sack was origanated in America and all you do is hackey sack is kick it also it is pellet filled. Third Footbag is a freestyle game with stalls kicks and other cool moves…:smiley: