Following your passion - career choices

yeah, well we probably see about as much as we don’t want to see as we do, butt like I said, never a dull moment.

do you come up with your own ideas sometimes, and just wait for the right girl to be your canvas??

have you tattooed any masterpieces?

Is this the BillyTheMountain equivalent of getting a tattoo?


my career has picked me up instead…
I am , by nature , a dreamer with a constant quest for abstractions
initially I wanted to be a diplomat: no place for dreamers!
So I studied architecture and was an architect for 7 years … and unable to earn a living out of it! (I had been a math professor in the meantime).
So I tumbled upon computer programming which is the only place on earth where artists can get paid! So I was a happy hacker and now a programming evangelist who teaches others…
considering next stage …

I’ve always liked physics. One of my first job desires was to be an architect…then I progressed to engineering, and now I’m on teaching physics. During the flurry of studying leading up to the end-of-year IB exams, I helped run a few study groups, and I really enjoyed it. Teaching was/is a lot of fun for me (and, according to the people in the groups, I was good at it).

So, luckily for me, Louisiana State University has this program called Geaux ( :roll_eyes: ) Teach where, by switching around a few classes, you can get a degree and a teaching certification in something, so I’m doing that program in physics.

I know that teaching isn’t really a glamorous job, and I’m not completely sure I’ll be able to keep going after I’m in it for a few years, but I know that right now it’s what I enjoy, and so that’s what I’m doing.

teachin IS a glamorous job … if you play it that way! I know some trainers who have star status!

I’ve always been a fan of transformers, so when I grow up I want to be a truck!

reference can come from customers ideas or mine or both, flash art, photographs, t shirt designs , trading cards, art books, paintings, uncle billies dragon sketch from jail, playboy mag, old x-ray slides, mount rushmore photo from internet…ect…

And when I come up with awsome ideas for hot chicks, my jessie gets first pic…
