Folding@Home: I can see my house from here!

The Folding@Home site has a map of where participants of the project are located, from where their IP address is registered.

Unsurprisingly the most populated areas are Europe and the east coast of the US, but it’s fascinating how many dots are in the middle of nowhere!

Can anyone see their dot?

edit: Unisteve, could we have a logo for the team page? I think someone was making one, weren’t they? Failing that the logo at the top of the forums pages would do nicely… :slight_smile:


Yeah, I guess that logo kind of got forgotten didn’t it…

Yes, we could use the logo? I think that’s a “très excellent” idea. Should we ask for permission from the guy that owns this site? Most of the guys were found at anyway…

i made a logo a while back. If you want it its at:

my gallery

If not thats fine, use whichever you feel is best

[edit - ooops, obviously that small text on it would have to be changed, give us a shout if u want it, but at the new e-mail,
lever (dot) mark (at) ntlworld (dot) com ]

Re: Folding@Home: I can see my house from here!

Are you the green dot or one of the three overlapping blue dots?

Here’s my house…

Dave (uni57)


This is I… evidently I AM NOT ALONE…



poor, poor gallery…

Yes, um, yeah… Well, I’d look at that logo other than the gallery is not its former self. Apparently it is being fixed though. Don’t let me forget… (Note to self: Don’t let self forget to look at logo when gallery is up again. End note.)

seen as the gallery isnt working, here it is

second uni from pic.bmp (535 KB)

Awesome! I think we have a winner. And I see the off-balance reference, being that it is not straight up and down. Genius! All we need now are some catchy little phrases for the little dashes inside, or we could just get rid of them and pretend they never existed. I need some more people’s ideas.

Given that the thing doesn’t really want to be very large - it’s just a little logo, not a massive graphic - I think it’d be best shrinking it and having the “Uni Inside” text on its own with the picture of the unicycle…

Just my £0.02…


k, ill get rid of the text later on, see what it looks like, ill post it again later on this evening