Flying Jump Mount

I think that’s what they’re called at least.

I tried these a few days ago. I didn’t get it at first, but it only took a few tried and about 5 minutes and I was nailing about 1 in 3. Ten minutes after that I was hitting almost all of them. I think this might be my most impressive mount/trick yet.

The day after I first got it, I tried it on my 24 with very sharp pins. It wasn’t such a good idea seeing as it was raining quite hard and everything was wet and slippery. On my first attempt, which happened to be the first thing I tried that day) I missed the pedal and got a rather large pedal pin gash on the inner part of my leg by my knee. It wasn’t a pretty sight. Once it heals a bit, I’ll go out and try it again (on my 20).

Daniel’s current list of mounts (in ascending order of impressiveness):
180 jump
Flying Jump

I’ll get some pics when I get the chance.

O.K. let’s see if I get the picture. I’ve never seen any type of fancy mount demonstrated; in fact I’ve only seen about three other unicyclists in real life outside of my family, but I’m guessing that you get the uni rolling along a bit and then try to jump on somehow. Is this correct? If so, and it’s as easy as you say, I’m going to start working on it. It sounds really cool whatever it is :sunglasses: I have dreams about being able to fly sometimes:p

Try searching for either ‘flying jump mount’ or Tony Melton’s album in the gallery. He’s been doing a lot of these lately. I’ve filmed him doing some in various situations for our unicycling movie. They look great!


No try a flying suicide mount. Ehh. This may take two people, have one person hold the uni erect on one side of a bench. Then you run up and jump off the opposite side of this same bench and as soon as you hit the bench the person holding the uni lets go and you try to land on the freestanding uni without using your hands. Try it and tape it kuz that would be awesome. I donno if thats been done before or not but either way it would be cool.

Is that what you did?

Bunch of clips of different things; mounts, tricks, etc…

once you’ve got the flying jump mount nailed you can start doing it off dropps. thats pretty cool.

How much harderw ould you say the flying jump mount is than something such as a suicide mount or 180 jump or just regular jump?

its not actualy hard, but it does have the fear factor

That is not a flying jump mount. It’s more of a rolling mount with a fancy part before you jump on.

Flying jump mount: (invented by Hakan Furuskar (sp?) of Sweden and witnessed by me in 1983)

  1. Hold unicycle at or around fork crown.

  2. Run.

  3. Jump as high as you can.

  4. Get your feet on the pedals and crotch over the seat (a low seat helps a lot) before you land.

  5. Ride away, if you can!

This is what it looks like. This was taken at the 1983 IJA Festival in Purchase, NY. The shadow has been colored in because it was too light. Without the shadow you can’t see how high he is!


No, try a reverse flying suicide mount onto sandwich boards. :slight_smile: It’s fun!

I’ve been filming these for our movie. Tony did one where he dropped off a rock and out onto the free-standing uni. All you need is either a sandwich board or loose dirt, etc. and some little bits to wedge in betwee nthe crown and the tyre. I’m going to try it again soon for the movie with a mini sandwich board I made (just the planks and hinges…no side sheets). I’m going to do bigger and bigger gaps onto the uni. Should be great fun. :slight_smile:


Wow, sick! But you can keep the “fun.” I wouldn’t want to take it away from you… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm, Maybe if i grew 3 or 4 more … ehh … male reproductive organs, i would have the balls to try that stuff. Right now I’m just working on increasing my performance in the flying jump mount. I made my attempts today and can do it, but its not as impressive and as high in the air as I’d like. I’m also just getting my feet on the pedals just before i hit the ground. I’ll work on that and then jump out of a plane, pull my parachute and land perfectly on a unicycle and ride away.

Also, that is a wickedly cool awesome insane bunch of pictures. I wanna learn the reverse suicide mount…well and everything else in there. He had some decent drops.