Flatland, where is it in competetion

I thought there was gonna be a street freestyle competition. What does that stand for, exactly? I assumed it was street.

that sounds cool…so basicly we could get a mini comp goin on…

Yeah, street freestyle is street. I think they should change the name just to street though and I’m sure a lot of people will agree with on that one.

Amanda (on Rocco’s account)

Ok thanks, my bc plates are aluminum (bedfords) but I still need to do something to them. I will probably use a combination of vinyl tubing and duct tape.
I have a trials tire on my bc that I am pretty sure would not be able to mark even on a uni. It is a luna so it is already a harder compound and it is perfectly smooth so less friction?
I also thought about coating my tire with something earlier. Do you think some kind of armor all would be good? There are kinds that make tires shiny but I don’t know what that would actually do to the tire. That could possibly suck because that could possibly cause the marking.

Do you think a tire will have similar effects on an outdoor basketball court as a shined up gym floor? I don’t really have access to a gym to test different things out, I also have never ridden in a gym.

Armor All would not be good. It would make the tire slippery. Gym floors already don’t have much grip so adding something slippery sprayed on the tire would be bad. The idea about spraying something on the tire to make it temporarily non-marking was just a brain fart. I have no idea what kind of spray would actually work or if any kind of spray would actually work.

Waxed industrial tile floors (like what may be in your school hallways) are a good substitute for a gym floor. If the tire is non-marking on the tile floor it should be non-marking on a gym floor.

If you do make marks on a floor while testing your can remove the marks by buffing with a tennis ball. An easy way is to take a tennis ball, cut a slit in it, stick a broom handle in the slit and buff the floor with the tennis ball that way. Otherwise you just get on your hands and knees.

You really should get some practice experience on a tile or gym floor before a competition. A gym floor rides differently than smooth concrete or a smooth tennis court. A gym floor is also more slippery. The different floor could have a big effect on some moves and the way you do turns.

gym floors are very different from concrete, i get to ride at a gym on Wednesdays at church and everything rolls soo much faster, the turns are slippier, and it feels really weird sometimes…