Well the good news is that I got a new flat screen for my computer at work. Now it is a rare thing when a piece of hardware at work/school comes close to anything I have at home. Its not that my home computer goodies are so amazing and expensive but, lets face it, the school system is not known for spending big bucks on equipment. In spite of that, the new screen in my office at school has far better resolution than my older model (SyncMaster 151s) flat screen at home. And so now I am dissatisfied with my home set up…
Anything I should watch out for if I upgrade my current 15 inch Samsung to a, say, 17 inch with better resolution. Kind of a noob question, but are most screens compatible with standard PC’s? Any brands to avoid?
just dont go try n pop a g5 screen(with is the whole comp) on your computer… cauz ill laugh too much at you… and yes all screen do work on all pc’s as long as yoou buy a pc screen and not a tv one… and even if you do buy a tv screen… you can get the all in wonder graphic crard (nvdia I think) with witch you can hook your pc to your tv and use your tv for your pc screen… Imagine playing counterstrike on 42"
There are many video cards, plenty far lower end (read: more affordable) than that, with tv out I have a nice little GeForce 4 440MX with S-Video out (Got me an adaptor to pump out Composite video, who uses S-Video anyways?! :p). Though I would not reccomend this ‘solution’ on a standard TV, as you can’t read text. Alright for games though, if you don’t mind running at a low res.
The Samsung displays a really, really nice.
I don’t know if the brand is available elsewhere, but down in NZ there is a really cheap brand of Screen called “Cyberhome” - Do not get these. You won’t like the quality for one, and for two they have some serious compatibility issues. Some PC’s won’t even boot with that monitor attached, and it has issues with DOS programs (I know very few people still use good ol DOS, but hey. It’s worth note, because how else are you going to get the real QBASIC feel?!)