There are a few threads already talking about my unicycles, I’ve also been dealing with some riders on the forum for specific set up and different options of unis to finaly start my “production” So, I’m posting this to announce the first unicycle frames out for riding (minus my 3 protoypes )! These ones are already sold and soon to be boxed up and shipped, but I still have enough material for a few ones!
All the frames will be Schlumpf Compatible and compatible with hub or crank disk setup! I have pictured 2 26x4" fatty, and a 29er+, I also have a frame for a HUGE 26x5" tire that will be done soon. Anything is possible, I can make it fit any tire size with any hub size, and wherever you want your disk tab, you can have it!
I sell them $300 CAD each for any wheel size with a disk tab and a serial number under the frame. They are all 100% made by myself in my garage with lot of love
Aluminum only for now, but I do want to make a Cr-Mo steel frame for me when I’ll have more free time for testing. Cr-Mo frame will probably be about the same price as these aluminum ones as Steel is a little harder to work!
Jakob, I’ve been following your threads about welding for months, and never posted a comment. But this is so jaw dropping that you have to hear it from all of us! It’s an amazing job you’re doing here.
Nice touch about the serial number. Now you need a little logo that could be stamped near the bottom of the frame…
Surly makes a 4.8" tire, and I believe Vee Rubber does as well. Surly’s Clown Shoe rim would be ideal at 100mm wide; and then you’ve also got their Rolling Darryl at 82mm wide (what I’ll be using).
Thanks for all the kind comments I just can’t wait to see these frames on wheels now! And all muddy
Please dont let it collect dust on your wall! It would be a shame not to put my frames to the test!
I’m hoping to make myself a Ti frame eventually, I still need practice on Ti before selling anything though… And testing
Killian got it right, Surly has 2 tires at 4.8" wide. There’s the Vee Rubber Snowshoe XL that are supposed to be a revised version of the original Snowshoe that weren’t 4.7" as labeled. I’ve heard also of a 45nrth Dillinger at 5", but I think that’s still just a rumor
The rim choice is a difficult one: either you go 100mm and must use the Nimbus 127mm hubs (and reduce you choice) or you can stay very compatible with 100mm hub and must stay with rims below 90mm. But there is a very nice Nextie 90mm carbon rim for the richer uni builders