First Podcast

Hey everyone,
I am going to school for a broadcasting program, and I have been allowed to use the school’s equipment for my own little projects and I have decided to make a podcast for this forum. It will feature unicycle news, discussions and also music.

I have made a pilot podcast located here: Click here

I encourage those who listen to email suggestions concerning news, content, and music suggestions to, or PM me.

If anyone knows how to get this on iTunes to download when I update, please help me out. :slight_smile:

Feel free to comment below.

James (aka DJ CoreTechs)

sounds like it could work, but ‘ podcast radio’ is a bit of a mouthful, have you got anyother ideas for a name?

I’m open to suggestions.

I guess I could just call it Unicycle Radio or Uni Radio.

Hm well I’m about halfway through, and honestly I’m a bit disappointed at how much (crappy) music there is relative to the amount of unicycle talk.

How about a tip of the hat to Kris Holm, and call it “One Tired Radio.”

Don’t get discouraged…maybe you could interview Dudewithasock and get his constructive criticism on air.

There will be more uni talk in further podcasts. I have access to equipment that will allow me to record interviews.
I’m just getting started with this, so it’ll take a short while to work out what is going to be included in the future.
Once again, suggestions are welcome. :slight_smile:

Also, I don’t expect everyone to like the music I put on this podcast. I chose a short list of what I like for this episode, give me music suggestions, heck, if you have a band, send me some of your music, I’d love to put it on air.

Well I mean…you only said one unicycle-related tidbit, and the rest was some weird remixes of songs. I guess I should cut you some slack since it’s your first go at this (plus I don’t have any experience with it), but I expected a much higher unicycletalk:music ratio.

That ratio will be higher once things get rolling.

Radio uni, one radio… other posibles

UNIcast? Or some other mixture of capitals and lower case letters?


ba-dum chhh

"Open the pod[cast] bay doors hal, ‘Uni-pod’ is ON the air! :sunglasses:


I figured you might be able to use a logo if you go to iTunes, and I got bored. So here’s the result of a few minutes on photoshop:

Also, I can easily change the font or any colors if you want it different.

i like the look of that

Hmm, i wonder where you got that idea, lol!


unicast copy.jpg

Haha, actually it was a coincidence. I’m serious. I made that icon yesterday and didn’t see your video until this afternoon. Well, like they say, great minds think alike!

But fools seldom differ.

True, indeed.