Hey everyone,
I am going to school for a broadcasting program, and I have been allowed to use the school’s equipment for my own little projects and I have decided to make a podcast for this forum. It will feature unicycle news, discussions and also music.
I have made a pilot podcast located here: Click here
I encourage those who listen to email suggestions concerning news, content, and music suggestions to djcoretechs@gmail.com, or PM me.
If anyone knows how to get this on iTunes to download when I update, please help me out.
There will be more uni talk in further podcasts. I have access to equipment that will allow me to record interviews.
I’m just getting started with this, so it’ll take a short while to work out what is going to be included in the future.
Once again, suggestions are welcome.
Also, I don’t expect everyone to like the music I put on this podcast. I chose a short list of what I like for this episode, give me music suggestions, heck, if you have a band, send me some of your music, I’d love to put it on air.
Well I mean…you only said one unicycle-related tidbit, and the rest was some weird remixes of songs. I guess I should cut you some slack since it’s your first go at this (plus I don’t have any experience with it), but I expected a much higher unicycletalk:music ratio.
Haha, actually it was a coincidence. I’m serious. I made that icon yesterday and didn’t see your video until this afternoon. Well, like they say, great minds think alike!