First Triple

Sketchy as but i was pleased.

Watch in HD

Sick, that’s awesome.

wow, that was fast.

wow :astonished: when i watched it the first time i thougt you will to a crankflip or a double cause you jumped only a few cm high and you rode so slow :astonished: :astonished:

Yeah I guess it was a bit weird… hopefully I can land them 1 handed when I get my 125s tomorrow

dam that was fast, I first didn’t saw how it could be an triple, more like a double or even a normal flip :stuck_out_tongue:
very nice !!



Wow. The speed of that was amazing. I just watched it 4 times, and now I’m gonna go back and watch it a few more times.

lol, I was like, ok he will do three crankflip one after one.


That was fast. So damn fast.

:astonished: when i watched it the first time i thougt you will to a crankflip :astonished:


wow :astonished: !!! :astonished: !!!

it looks like you just floating in the air

You made that look so easy, You rolled into it slowly, and it looked like you barely kicked the cranks. That was impressive.