Today was the first time I road my uni on dirt trails. I bought it in Nov, and rode it through the snow all winter. Now the trails are dried, and I gave’er a whirl. What a difference. Much more challenging. More rocks, logs, little streams… I found myself way more exhausted than normal. I also noticed I had to increase the air pressure quite some, which also changed the ride a lot. All in all, I had to alter my entire way of riding, which made for a difficult ride. But it was also more fun. I was able to jump off and over rocks and other stuff, splash through mud puddles, and I rode a lot faster.I also just got some leg armor, which has increased my confidence level a lot. So, now I have one month left to practice before the 24 hour relay race I’m gonna be in. I’ll likely be the most amateur rider there, but I bet I’ll have lots of fun.
This would get more responses in RSU. Way to go with the leg armor. You NEED that. I also use wrist guards and elbow armor (and helmet, of course). Do you have other people to MUni with? You learn so much that way. Do you have a Camelbak? I think that’s necessary too. But you have to get used to it flopping around on your back (when you hop). The Camelbak also gives some protection to your back if you happen to fall that way.
I can’t remember which I rode on first – snow or trails. It never occurred to me that snow smoothes everything out. I just concentrate on how slippy-slidey it is.
Good luck with the race. Keep us posted about that. And about your MUni experiences. I haven’t MUni’d since last summer. Reading your description really inspired me to get back into MUni. Thanks!
I don’t have other riders around my city. But I hope to soon. I don’t have a camel back, but that’s my next investment. I’ve been riding a lot lately, and I just keep getiing faster and more aggressive. I love Muni.
Ride on.