Re: First anniversary of “UPD”
I may be mistaken but I think the term existed before November 7, 2001.
A quick search turned up a post on July 21, 2001 by Mikefule - Roland
Hope School of Unicycling (see below) which defined the term. But I seem
to remember the term used long before that, maybe as early as '98. I
also seem to remember hearing my sister-in-law using the term in horse
back riding long before that as well.
Of course I could be wrong.
John Hooten
From: Mikefule (
Subject: Exclusivity through TLAs
Date: 2002-07-21 11:58:07 PST
An engineering friend of mine often remarks, ‘What we need is a TLA.’
Sooner or later, someone asks, then he explains, ‘It’s a Three Letter
Acronym.’ (Of course, for pedants, TLA isn’t an acronym as it doesn’t
spell a word.)
All minority activities (brain surgery, nuclear physics, unicycling
etc.) rely on jargon and acronyms to maintain an air of mystique and
exclusivity. In unicycling, we have few. UPD is possibly the only one
which turns up regularly, and it’s obvious enough that if you drop it
casually into conversation with a non unicyclist, they often work it
From our own point of view, UPD covers a very wide range of
circumstances, so perhaps we need more TLAs.
I suggest:
UPD = UnPlanned Dismount.
UFD = UnForced Dismount. (When you just fall off for no reason.)
OSD = Obstacle Specific Dismount. (When you feel that the UPD is
justifiable by the severity of the obstacle.)
NOD = Next Obstacle Dismount. (When you’re so busy looking ahead to the
next, and more difficult, obstacle, you trip over the smaller one in
front of you. I do this all the time.)
POD = Post Obstacle Dismount. (When you make it through, past or over a
really difficult bit, then UPD as soon as you get to the easy bit. I do
this all the time too.)
LRD = Lechery Related Dismount: when you’re looking at the curves and
bumps, but not the ones on the trail.
And perhaps the most serious of the lot:
NGI = Nose Ground Interface. A really unpleasant UPD.
All of these can be prefixed with ‘ballistic’ where appropriate.
So you get home bruised and bloodied. Your explanation: I did a
ballistic LRD and NGI’d. This is bound to impress and gain sympathy,
whereas, ‘I was ogling these two birds and fell off in the mud,’ will
only cause merriment among those you love.
(US: ‘Birds’ = ‘chicks’?)
Mikefule - Roland Hope School of Unicycling
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Klaas Bil wrote:
> UPD. We’re all so familiar with it, that we take the term UPD itself
> for granted. But would you believe that it was first used only one
> year ago? David Stone coined UPD in a post dated Nov 7, 2001.
> To mark the occasion, I’ve made a little page
> <> covering the usage trend in the
> first year. Another silly statistics page by
> Klaas Bil
> All my posts are made with 100% recycled electrons.