Recently, I installed the GREASEMONKEY extension for FIREFOX, and I must say, I love it… No adds where I dont want’em. And since I also installed PLATYPUS, sites like this one, and all of my other non-popular sites I frequent have nthing I dont want, it’s sweet. I reccomend you all try it out, it’s worth it.
Here’s a good example of a script I made to improve
I see this…
Instead of this…
*Please ignore my awful image compression.
duuude…that is so freaking AWESOME!! thanks for posting it, I’ll be using the Platypus a loottt… wowzers…
I’ve been using Greasemonkey for a while. I mainly use the GMAIL extension that saves searches and adds a dialog box. The power of these plugins are immense, they have the potential to change how the internet works.
Thx for the link, Cat-dude. I’m running the shizz right now… schweet!
Clickity-bam, no more sham.
Now, the web is MINE, ALL MINE! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!
What exactly does greasemonkey and Platypus do?
Platypus allows you to delete any sections of a pageyou dont wanna see. Just plop your mouse over it and hit delete, save it and install as a script. Greasemonkey allows you to run the scrips, so when you go to certain sites, the platypus script runs, and it remebers not to show the stuff you dont anna see. Also there are sites where you can get scripts from other people to save you some work…
It’s perfect for removing Ads, or extraneous parts of a site.
Exactly, it runs a javascript that masks/removes the parts of the site.
Removing stuff is the first thing that is obvious but Greasemonkey’s real power is how it ADDS stuff. I think this list is the most comprehensive list of scripts
very true, I have 4 scripts running for google alone. 3 for gmail, all to add stuff, but being able to remove unwanted features is my primary use.