Finger Joints

i’ve been unicycling for about 7 months now and the finger joints on my right hand (hand i use to hold the seat) have gotten really messed up. i wake up in the morning and they are really stiff and it takes a awhile to work them out. i kept unicycling and didn’t really care until a couple of days ago it has started hurting. i’ve taped them up, worn a glove, taken ibuprofen, i’ve even rested it for a couple of weeks but it doesn’t seem to help. has this happened to anybody else? and is there anything i can do? everybody i have asked has just said it eventually goes away, but its been a few months now and it hasn’t gone away

Have you seen a doctor?

When people say “it eventually goes away” I think they mean that their technique improves so that they don’t have to pull so hard. Practice other skills that don’t require pulling on the saddle. Avoid pulling so hard with your hand. Your fingers aren’t meant to handle so much strain.

ya. when you ge techinique down, it will tottaly feel better.

that sounds really extreme though… i don’t think that this is supposed to happen.

yes, that may be a good idea. You don’t want to cause any long term damage.

Also a good idea, what have you been doing to put so much strain on your fingers?

How long have you been able to hop? Has this ever happened befor?

yeah i went to a doctor but as i’m sure you all know, the majority of people don’t really understand you when you tell them that you jump around on things with a unicycle. so he looked at me like i was crazy and said i was just overusing the muscles or whatever. i looked it up on Web MD and i’m pretty sure its “trigger finger” which is where you strain the tendons in your fingers and they have trouble slipping through the tendon sheath from being swollen. but i was wondering if anybody else has gotten this, because all my unicycle friends have no problem, so i am pissed because all i want to do is uni! i think i got it from just pushing myself to try and jump up on higher and higher things until i can actually do them

Sounds like you diagnosed it right there.

Patience young Padawan.
Expand your range of skills, come back to jumping later.

that sucks. i’m so pissed because i don’t understand why my hand gets messed up while my friends are trying to do the exact same thing. i’m cursed

They’re, rather obviously, not doing the exact same thing.

You’re not going to attitude the problem away.
Rather whip up a nice big bowl of developing-maturity, explore the situation in more detail, formulate a solution and put it into practise.

Or come onto an online forum and complain thet ‘it sucks’.

The medicinal value of the latter is still in dispute.

that sucks. i’m so pissed because i don’t understand why my hand gets messed up while my friends are trying to do the exact same thing. i’m cursed

Oh boy.

aeh… Kids…

I guess that’s just how they are.

Stopping such a whiner and go practice your gliding and stand-up wheel-walk. You’re not getting anywhere by moaning. High hops can wait.

Or learn them with the other hand. Kinda awkward at first, but a cool skill to have.