Finally, victory,Jack LaLanne is dead

I crawled into my living room in PJ’s, because I was to young to walk, turned on the TV, and after it warmed up, there was Jack Lalane. I wanted cartoons, but it was 2 channels, Soap Opera (to boring and difficult to understand), and Jack Lalane . No where near as cool as cartoons, I watched him anyways. I hate Jack Lalanne. He sucked then and he sucks now. I have finally beat him. It was nip and tuck through the final stretch, but I did it. I hope you can all share this victory with me on this fine day. We out lived Jack Lalanne.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, is this an appropriate eulogy for a great and decent man? No, but this was Jack Lalane, and I have out lived him. Finally.

Actually your tale of woe conjures up similar memories. Your pain is palpable and your sense of victory, well, vaguely earned. Carry on soldier.

you still have to live until 97 until you beat him

If he was a normal man you would have a fair point

But this was Jack LaLanne. Seeing him in the ground rates among the greatest triumphs of man kind. There was three things I could never beat. Death, taxes and Jack LaLanne. Now there is only two. He made me feel old at age 4, and he just kept doing it. I think I am experiencing a spiritual awakening. If Jack LaLanne can die, maybe there is a god. He never grew old, but that’s OK. I forgive him. Dying is good enough.

If he couldn’t make it to 100, I’m worried whether I can. I don’t take as good care of myself as he did…

And I’m going to bring up the specter of Chuck Norris in this thread before anyone else does. He’s still alive… for the moment.

Update on Jack’s Condition

He is still dead, thank god . It’s a bit, still on the fence at this point. I know it’s really to early to call the day, but it’s been 6 days and he’s still dead. It may be possible there is a god. Let’s not be to premature here, but the signs are hopeful.

I feel your pain. As a peewee I remember waiting for this to go away early in the morning only to be replaced by Jack LaLanne. I learned to respect Jack a great deal, however, but much later in life.


If Jack can’t do it then who can?

I thought Jack might live forever. I was hopeful, that if anyone was immortal it might be him. He worked hard at living right.

I’m not sure I would want to live that long eating egg whites and salad everday. I’m thinking Elaine, his widow, is in some restaurant eating prime rib right now.

Looks like that juicer didn’t work after all.

A haiku in honor of your victory:

Watching mourners leave
Impatient finger on “play”
Now it’s time to dance!

He could have been a great 145lb MMA cage-fighter if he was still alive… and younger.

I remember that too, and Otto the Auto.