I crawled into my living room in PJ’s, because I was to young to walk, turned on the TV, and after it warmed up, there was Jack Lalane. I wanted cartoons, but it was 2 channels, Soap Opera (to boring and difficult to understand), and Jack Lalane . No where near as cool as cartoons, I watched him anyways. I hate Jack Lalanne. He sucked then and he sucks now. I have finally beat him. It was nip and tuck through the final stretch, but I did it. I hope you can all share this victory with me on this fine day. We out lived Jack Lalanne.
Now, I know what some of you are thinking, is this an appropriate eulogy for a great and decent man? No, but this was Jack Lalane, and I have out lived him. Finally.
If he was a normal man you would have a fair point
But this was Jack LaLanne. Seeing him in the ground rates among the greatest triumphs of man kind. There was three things I could never beat. Death, taxes and Jack LaLanne. Now there is only two. He made me feel old at age 4, and he just kept doing it. I think I am experiencing a spiritual awakening. If Jack LaLanne can die, maybe there is a god. He never grew old, but that’s OK. I forgive him. Dying is good enough.
He is still dead, thank god . It’s a bit, still on the fence at this point. I know it’s really to early to call the day, but it’s been 6 days and he’s still dead. It may be possible there is a god. Let’s not be to premature here, but the signs are hopeful.
I feel your pain. As a peewee I remember waiting for this to go away early in the morning only to be replaced by Jack LaLanne. I learned to respect Jack a great deal, however, but much later in life.
I thought Jack might live forever. I was hopeful, that if anyone was immortal it might be him. He worked hard at living right.
I’m not sure I would want to live that long eating egg whites and salad everday. I’m thinking Elaine, his widow, is in some restaurant eating prime rib right now.