I just saw Fever Pitch for the first time tonight… Does it seem like unicylcling to anyone here… Ever have touble with a relationship due to unicycling? “You may love unicycling, but has unicycling ever loved you back?”
fever pitch ?
i saw that movie…it was pretty great…um my girlfriend thinks i love my unicycles more than her…but i think shes just joking
never thought about it like that, but yeah, they have given me fun back
All the girls around here know that I like my unicycle more than them. They’re fun, but I prefer not to be tied down.
That was playing on one of my legs to or from Hawaii - I forget which. I thought it was a pointless movie and decided to just take a nap instead.
People (not just “women”) need to realize that their partners need to have a well-rounded set of interested outside of any relationship. If your only interest is “the relationship”, then it likely won’t last. It’s always cool when the two people have common hobbies, but it’s in no way a requirement.
It’s not a matter of “one is more important than the other” but “it’s important to do many things and be well-rounded and unhealthy if you’re not”.
Me too.
Oops, too late.
My uni loves me but it’s more of a love/hate thing. Inbetween all the sweet rail rides and landings it bites and scars me. Most of the unicycling love I get comes from times when I ride with other unicyclists. We’ve got a great community!
Judging from your post in another thread, it sounds like you do… if you’re going to miss CMW 'cause you can’t reason with your woman. C’mon, dude, you aren’t married! Grow some 'nads…
I like that movie, its good…anyhoo, it hasn’t troubled me very much.
Lol ive had a few posts like that lately, she just higly loathes unicycling. But I told her that it might be on that day, she said we can just celebrate her birthday later… I was a lil surprised at that one…
Nope, not at all, my girlfriend comes with me a lot when i go oon a ride, i got her brother into it, and now she is learning =p
Sometimes she will say to me to stay and uni so i can have fun, but i stop and be with her, being with her is more fun anyways