BOOYACKA! I finally made it! I finally rolling-hopped onto a picnic table. It ws one of those magical moments that just put a big huge grin on your face. Sorta like that one —>
And this wasn’t a one time thing! I did it again after!
I’m just feeling proud at the moment.
no it was a regualr trials set-up with a profile hub. What’s kind of stupid is that even though I have profiles I’m still stuck with craps like one of those seatpost-keeper-in-frame-screws-of-ultimate-ouchness… and I don’t have a saddle for it (I was borrowing my kh 24’s saddle)
UPDATE!!! I’ve done it again but this time on a higher table and I’ve also hopped onto the backside of a park bench. (you know…that skinny part)
I couldnt do a rolling hop onto a picnic table if my life depended on it (i would side hop:) ) But still, thats not the point. In my opinion, rolling hops are a lot harder and look cooler. Nice work.
Very cool! Picnic tables rock for rolling hops, until they collapse under you. Also, a rolling hop onto the back of a park bench is pretty sweet.
Wow, I’m the exact opposite. I can rolling hop onto a picnic table as long as it’s not over about 32", but I can’t sidehop onto any reasonable sized one to save my life (now the tiny, crappy 28" ones are another story. Those I can barely sidehop on a normal day). Also, I don’t think rolling hops are better and I’d be much happier being able to sidhop onto a picnic table. I’d trade 8" of rolling hop height for 8" of extra sidehop height any day.
UPDATE: so yeah, I went to school with my tape measurer today and measured both the picnic table and the bench. Surprisingly the bench is an inch higher than the table and also harder (in most cases) to hop onto (due to it’s very skinny landing) but I seem to do this with greater ease (not GREAT ease mind you).
Table-top: 31"
Bench: 32"
They both come down to around 80-82 centimeters so it’s a pretty respectable hight.
I’m not stopping there though. I firgure I should be able to hop over them concrete road-blocks (if not over than surely on). So I’m going to try that next week. I won’t be able to film any of this stuff until the weekend after next due to my lack of presence… too bad.