feeling guilty?

I’m in with two work units as hoovern. YAY!
Damn my computer rocks.

Nicholas Hoover

Man, my computer isn’t as good as I thought :wink: 112? Wow! :stuck_out_tongue: Catboy, are you sure you set the team up right? You’d be in first for sure!
The three d dots are just a representation of what the computer is actually doing. I believe it takes a whole boat-load of information about a protein to find out how it folds. For a protein to work, it needs to stretch out from it’s natural, compact state (or something like that, check out the Folding@home website.) Some doctors think that if proteins fold the wrong way, it can lead to disease (especially certain mental handicaps.) but they have no way of knowing how a protein folds properly. This program gives them this information, letting them run tests and help in the design of cures.
What does that mean to us…whoever is in first has bragging rights!

Thank you all for signing up and stuff! I’m using that team number but I’m not even on the score board… I have no idea why. Hopefully the 70 frames I’ve done in the last few days count towards this team.

I figured out why i am not on the score board. I also changed the team name to CPUniCycles. Just thought ppl miight like to know

Im up to 165! mainly becaus i leave my comp running 24/7 and it runs while my comp hibernates.

Woo Hoo! In at the top, come on!
What can I say, 1.8HGhz Athlon, on about 15 hours a day. Currently on 144/200 on my second unit, having started it late on tuesday. Try and keep up, everyone. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes! Progress. With my meagre Pentium Pro 233 (should be a 200, insane bro overclocks all the time) I have gotten 116 frames since anywhere from last friday to monday. I can’t remember when I started. When I send this stuff in, I’ll be on the scoreboard… yeah.

Thank you again! And tell the world about CPUniCycles! (team # 13392) :smiley: