I’m selling my wheel, I dont need to sell it but I’m pretty sure I wont use it much because I like my “good” wheel way more than this one, so if anybody is interested It doesn’t matter to me:p I got a frame too but very bad looking.
Here are the specs and pictures.
KH 07 Hub(bent flanges)
DX32 rim, no flatspots, trued, no DX32 sticker
KH 07 spokes, they are a little bit too short for the wheel, I did put them on anyway, it stills works fine, I dont think you’ll have any problemes with it.
NO cranks and NO pedals included.
Nimbus II painted red. I might do a better paint job on it and paint it dark blue. The nubs on the crown are cutted.
If anyone is interested PM me for more details and make me an offer, I dont really know how much I want for it and how much it’s worth. Also I might decide to not sell it.