Favourite Movie Scenes

What are everybody’s favourite scene(s) from a movie(s)?

One of mine is in Training Day. Near the start when the main character has just met with the guy played by Denzel Washington, and they get in hiw awesome car and the guy asks where the office is and Denzel’s character replies “your in the office” then the song ‘Still Dre’ starts and he pumps up the hydrollics…its just sooo awesome, the song makes it.

Another of mine is in Lord of the Rings - Return of the King, Just before the battle of the Pelennor Fields, when King Theoden is giving his men the big talk…that rules.

Thats all I can think of now but im sure there are others.
So what is/are your favourite movie scene(s)?

There are alot of scenes in movies that stand out. I find it hard to narrow down on one particular one in alot of cases. Ran to my movie collection and took a few highlights, here are a few of mine in particular are:

LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring: Not one particular scene, but a rather large part of the movie, felt like I was actually there when I first seen it. Alot of the work they did in the movie had awesome views.

I did this rather general, going by vauge memory.

Aliens: Ridley about to fight the Queen Alien in the powered suit, gives her famous quote… (Won’t repeat as my memory is really bad).

Alien 3: Ridleys final scene (movie itself sucked, but Ridleys fall into the steel was pretty cool. I found it stood out.)

Troy: Achilles fight scenes (I dislike Brat Bitt (Brad Pitt, whoops.) but he did a really good job with this character.)

X-men 2: Jean Greys final scene.

Red Dawn: Something about this one stood out can’t remeber… will have to watch it again.

Mission Impossible 2: Scene after which badguy realized he killed one of his henchmen and he sees tom cruise walk by the entrance. Good timing with alot of the effects in that one.
(Scene when Thandie Newton infects herself with Chimera also stands out).

Get away from her, you B*TCH!

One of my favorites, as mentioned in another thread is the scene at the end of Manhattan. Mariel Hemingway is repeating back to Woody Allen, who is trying to convince her to stay, all the reasons HE gave for breaking up with her. She’s on her way to Europe to study drama. She ends with the line, “Not everybody gets corrupted. You have to have a little faith in people.”

He smiles this wry, ironic, proud smile of surrender.

That scene is pure pathos. They don’t come any better.

not technically a movie but, the last shot in the final episode of MAS*H

i mentioned the ‘feeding scene’ from Clockwork Orange on an older, simmilar thread

another one i’ve always enjoyed was the coffee-shop scene from ‘Heat’

well since my favourite movie is killer klowns from outerspace I would have to say the whole movie was the best

This is a great way to also find out your favorite type of movies. Alot of Sci-fi fans so far. I go for mostly comedy. It’s usually the unexpected that are my favorite scenes.

Road Trip: The talking dog (movie itself not that great)

Old School: The streaking scene

Blazing Saddles: The campfire scene (maybe because a was young when I saw it)

The last scene from Usual Suspects


  1. Sword fight in Pricess Bride. (It’s much better in the book!)
  2. Fight scene in “Return of the Dragon” between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris.

The Princess Bride has to be one of my favorite movies, and I agree, sword fight between Diego Montoya (my sister’s married name, by the way) and the Dread Pirate Roberts is one of the best scenes. Very funny and entertaining.

My other bestest of all movies is Rustler’s Rhapsody. Has anyone else ever seen the movie? I’ll try not to give away the plot but it’s the typical guitar strummin’, white hatted good guy hired by the oppressed sheep herders vs. bad guys, the black hatted, trench coated evil railroaders in the typical old western town where during the movie, the railroader’s beautiful daughter eventually falls for the good guy, which adds to the complications. At one point, the bad guys have a brilliant idea and hire another good guy to duel with the sheepherders good guy. The scene when they face each other and, because good guys never draw first, they can’t figure out how to conduct their duel is a great moment. The outcome is classic!

My other favorite scene is at the very end where the movie’s commentator polishes up the finale by describing the final party where all the guys who were supposed to be dead were up laughing, talking and having a good time and the good guy rides off into the sunset to find the next typical western town and start the senario all over again.

I need to find the DVD eventually and add it to our minimal movie collection.


The fight scene between Adam Sandler and Bob Barker in “Happy Gilmore.”

I like the scene in full metal jacket when Pile tops himself…What the hell is your malfunction you numbnut…BLAM. The sniper scene at the end of that’s rather good too. If… is a marvellous film and the last scene of that is excellent. The ultimate in teenage frustated fantasy. I really like the way the drug taking is portrayed in Requiem for a dream. Sort of visually stacato.


3000 miles to graceland: The Casino gun fight!

Another good thing about these types of threads is that it reminds us of some of the good movies we don’t think about often.

At the rate everyone is going, I might need to compile another list of favorite movie scenes.

As well, looking at this gave me acouple of ideas for movies to rent tonight. The ones I proably haven’t seen in ages.

Many thanks.

we could have a whole nother thread for movie fight scenes but some good ones are:

Way of the Gun (last gunfight)
most all of the action scenes in Lord of the Ring
Willow (Madmardigan vs. Kale)
Outlaw Josy Whales (last fight)
Tombstone (gunfight at the OK coral)
The Hunted (end knife fight)
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (the fight between the two ladies)
LA Confidential (last gunfight)
Heat (bank robbery)

Eventhough I have a huge list of favorite movies and it would be hard to pick a top ten my favorite movie scene is simple to pick.

Quentin Tarantino’s “True Romance”, the scene between Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken

Pretty much anything with Christopher Walken…

The scene in Pulp Fiction where Walken gives the young Bruce Willis character his father’s watch is quite memorable.

and the one just before that where he waves off Joker’s warning to return to his bed by saying “I am in a world of shit”

i battle to believe it’s the same actor who’s in Law and Order - Criminal Intent

Monty Python and the Holy Grail the scene with Tim the sorcerer.

“There are some that call me… Tim?” and the whole fireworks display is soooo funny.

Well acually I liked more scenes from that movie pretty much all of them.

Not to OD on Woody Allen, but…

From Take the Money and Run:

  1. Scene where he presents the teller at a bank with a note that says “I’ve got a gun” but she insists it says, “I’ve got a gub” and they go back to the bank managers’ office to figure it out.

  2. His parents wearing fake nose glasses when interviewed to preserve their anonymity.

  3. Playing the cello in marching band.

Oh hell, the whole movie. :smiley: