Favorite super hero?

Too many options for a poll.

Mine is Batman!







Re: Favorite super hero?


for the simple reason that he seems to be the only superhero who’s managed to figure out how to put on his underpants first!
(does anybody know who originally said that?)

Why, Dangermouse, of course!


Johnny Snood!

Johnny Snood, Johnny Snood,
He’s a man, but he wears a snood.
His snood is clean, his snood is bright.
That snood gives Johnny all his might.

Oh yeah, here comes Johnny Snoo-ooh-ood.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Who else?

Re: Favorite super hero?

Is Batman technically a superhero? He doesn’t have any super-powers, right? He’s just a guy in tights and a cape, isn’t he? He does perform many heroic deeds – but that’s not what “superhero” means, if I understand correctly.

Mine is Colonel Steve Austin – the Six Million Dollar Man. He could kick Batman’s butt with his bionic arm tied behind his back.


Re: Re: Favorite super hero?

He does have some very impressive gadgetry stowed about his person, though; I think that makes up for the lack of superpowers and not wearing pants on the outside.

I’m not really a batman fan, mind; Dangermouse could open a can of whoopass on him without even noticing, let alone breaking a sweat.

<bursts into song> He’s the greatest! He’s fantastic! Wherever there is danger he’ll be there!


Mystery Men

By the way, if you’re into superheros and can tolerate a bit of hipster (super)irony, then you must see the, in my humble opinion, vastly underrated, Mystery Men.

A fine movie.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men, the Shadow knows.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit, the Shadow Knows. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha…

my favourite is…

Kris Holm! well come on he beats superman anyday! :stuck_out_tongue:

Samurai Jack

(try Cartoon Network)

I saw it for the first time yesterday, but it was hilarious-- got into a fight with a huge Scot playing the bagpipes… had a massive sword and all. I was cracking up.

Then again, jack isn’t exactly “super,” so i’d have to say the Green Lantern

Of course batman is a super hero!! He defends Gotham from crime, doesn’t he? He has no powers so he also has to be super smart. Superman can just walk right in a room and get shot at a thousand times. Batman has to use his brains. Batman could take superman anyday. Just read Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller.


Re: Mystery Men

I like that one. The Invisible Guy was soo cool.
But my favorite Superhero of all time is definitely Spider Man. Even before the movie came out, and he became everyone’s favorite superhero. He’s just, like, cool, you know?

As for the Batman VS. Superman conspiracy, Batman definitely kicks Superman, big time. I mean, Superman is just boring! He can’t die, unless he has a special shiny rock thrown at him. So say there’s some bad guy stealing the money, and he has a machine gun. He fires at Superman, and Superman is like, “Ho hum, I suppose I’ll stop this guy.” So he goes and stops him, but he justcan’t die! And besides, say there was a Nuclear War, and everyone on the planet died from a Nuclear explosion. And all the Kryptonite was destroyed. Then Superman would still be alive, in all the ruins of the entire world! And he would be alive for alllllll eternity, and that can be a long time if you’re all alone. The only thing left would be cockroaches, but other than that he would be so lonely. So Batman is definitely better. But Spiderman is the best.


This question is so hard to answer. There really are many choices.

Either Flaming Carrot or Underdog

Dan Heaton


I have decided to resurect this old thread since there are tons of new members who never had the chance to spill their guts about their favorite super hero.

Spill away!!

mine is still Batman

Another vote for Batman. However, if we can include the X-Men then I vote for Wolverine!
