Favorite office supplies (Let's find redeeming things about the office today thread)

Many of us work with office supplies on a daily basis. This may be unfortunate, but true.

In an effort to see good things about spending so much time in this type of frequently dreary environment, I’d like to hear what your favorite office supplies are.

I like binder clips. They grip tightly, are a frequently mean looking black. I like the tiny ones and the mammoth ones best, and I didn’t have them as a kid so they still have a novelty about them for me.


I like paper clips. If you bend them, you can make little stick people. Hee hee!

Me and my son, we love that type of thing. Pens are my favourite. And paper. I quite like staplers too. Anything really.


Staplers are probably the most useful invention ever to be invented…and they’re fun sometimes too!!
I also like sharpies, and pretty pens. And mechanical pencils.

I like computers…are those considered office supplies?

yeah, we don’t need that darn lightbulb or anything…

I like the sometimes weekly box of Casey’s donuts.

erasers…theyre so multi purpose!

i like those clippy things to podzol!!

thanks everyone for humoring me with posting in this silly thread. I can spend about three hours in a decent office supply store.

Staplers are very cool. Definitely will stay along longer than the typewriter! I would consider a computer an office supply, donuts, too. :slight_smile:

Please tell me what you do with erasers besides erase?!?

I used to collect old typewriters. I had about 30! I finally donated them to a theater who had a good prop shop. THey will see use in the years to come on stage.

Make imaginary friends?

I remember carving erasers with an x-acto knife (another wondrous office supply) to make stamps.

This is officially the winner of all cool office supplies.

you can make stamps with it!

  • I like reams of paper. Pure and white. And I like pens. Cheapo Bic pens that are octagonal instead of round. Medium point. Red. They go with the paper. It's how I think.
  • I also like the big, giant stapler that can staple 100 pages. Of pure white paper still warm from the laserprinter.
  • Dry erase markers are fun, too. I like to write on big, clean, pure white dry erase boards.
  • Inter-office envelopes are always nice to get. Makes me feel important.
  • I like manila folders because I like the word manila. It sounds nice. Like "cellar door" nice. And the color is nicer than inter-office envelope color.
Those are the complete set of office supplies that I use. I like them all. Oh, Friday is bagel day, if bagels count.

P.S. - If you work in an office, the movie “Office Space” is required viewing. If you don’t work in an office, don’t bother.

i like buldog kilps cause you clip them either together or onto someones ear

and paper cause im a paper plane freak

I especially like clamping one that’s just a lil’ too small around a finger.

Collect them.
My sister used to have thousands.

I also like sniffing marker-pens.
Ideally not the ‘Xylene Free’ ones.

i like rubber bands. i have a pretty big rubber band ball that i’ve been working on for a while. is taking office supplies like rubber bands unethical?

Probably no worse than spending company internet-time browsing this forum.

I got made redundant today.
I plan on liberating as much office equipment as is humanly possible between now and when I leave.

That shape under my coat?
That’s not my favourite office chair.

(shifty eyes)