,,21555735-5001028,00.html Any opinions on this? It’s mildly funny but also cruel. heheheheheheheh silly fat kids
Put some fit athletic city kids from London in the same situation of having to hunt and live off the land like that and you’ll get some equally hungry kids who can’t hunt. The life lesson you get from that is not the same lesson as what the show is promoting.
Why don’t they put a tribe on Aborigines in the middle of London living with Jamie Oliver and laugh at their misfortunes as they try to adapt to the London lifestyle and foods.
I think jamie oliver wouldn’t be able to adapt to their way of thinking. So i think the aborigines would do well. As they can eat things that we consider disgusting.
i apologize if this isn’t what you mean.
bear in mind the aboriginies were the only race of people not to invent the wheel.
I hope they show it in austrlia.
The main thing that will be holding the kids back is not their weight but the fact that they come from Britain and are likely to be really whingy and not know anything about the bush.
No offence to whingy fat british kids who find hunting difficult.
- they have lot of other things they invented and their cooking is much much better than the standard “australian” cooking
so they will certainly fare very well with Jamie … but won’t survive the price of things in London!
prove it.
im not sure what else they invented, apart from the boomerang, which is a pretty cool thing.
I hope it’s not as disapponting as White Men Can’t Hunt that BBC3 did earlier in the year. They let the participants in that show walk away too easily.
I reckon exercise beats diet any day.
Fat kids can’t sit on their bloated arses all day w/o getting speared by the abo’s for not pulling their weight would be far more entertaining.
prove what? the wheel? american natives didn’t have it…
the cooking: well boy when I was in Australia (35 years ago!) I saw aborigines cook a chicken in a way which was both very ingenious (with nearly nothing at hand) and probably tastier than the cotton-chew hastily christened “chicken” in Sydney
Yeah but no-one in Britain can hunt, our idea of hunting requires 20 horses, 60 dogs, two dozens peasents for beaters and a bugle player, and even that is now illegal. They might as well call it:
‘people can’t do something they’ve never learnt and will never have any use for in their life, and that no-one else in the country can do either, what a surprise’
The article says:
“But critics have slammed the plan with medical experts calling the show “voyeuristic”.”
It’s a reality TV show. Duh. One assumes the kids, and their parents, have volunteered for this, not been taken prisoner against their will. If we follow the text of my reality TV “rant” from yesterday, these kids are motivated to get on TV, may have aspirations to be actors, and probably want to do something really interesting to tackle their weight/eating problems.
Might be pretty interesting for a bit, but since the viewing audience knows nothing of the Aborigine culture, they wouldn’t be able to identify with the people on the show. I think that has a lot to do with what makes these shows work.
The kids will get a fun adventure. Well, at least an adventure. And they will do lots of hard stuff, which is always good for personal growth. Like learning to ride a unicycle. If they’re lucky, they will be able to keep their new approach to eating (not necessarily the hunting part) and maintain a healthy weight in adulthood.
i am gunna go find them, it shouldn’t be hard. It is Australia after all.
and then i aam going to sneak them treats, then be caught treat sneaking and exposed to all on television, with my unicycle. Just a bit of TV coverage for us
isn’t the word; Aborigines a discriptive word for people who are indigenous to there country?
Which history texts are were you reading? I could name a dozen groups of people who did not use/invent the wheel.
What does that have to do with anything anyway?
edit: Aboriginal/aboriginals is the descriptive word for people who are indigenous to there country, Aborigines are the group of people indigenous to Australia.
ahh, thankyou saskatchewanian, that had always got me. i knew there was a difference, but i did not know what it was
Which is a pretty cool thing.
I’m not sure that the American Indians “invented” the wheel either. I put it in quotes because they were likely aware of the concept but had no need for wheels. A hunter gatherer existence on the land in areas where a wheeled cart would just be a hindrance in the mud or mountains does not lead itself to making use of things that are not needed. Probably the same for the Aborigines.