famous last words.

what are some famous last words.

stop watching me die and go unicycle.

“who put the violin in the violin case???”

“she’ll be right”

“watch this”

“i reckon i could make that”

Don’t worry, it’s not loaded.

hey guys, watch this

“dont worry, it’s a Kris Holm”

“Hold my beer, I wanna try something.”

“OHH %$#&%@!!!”

I’m not worried about jumping 8 stairs; it’s only 2 more than I’ve done so far!:smiley:

OHHH YEAHHH!!! oh NO, NO naughty kool aid man!!!

What’s the worst that could happen… its only a 10 foot drop!

“What’s this button do?”

Do you think there’s a bear in this cave?

“it’s just another thread by Dunawan”

“I will drink this bottle marked POISON on the off-chance that it’s the extra-healing potion.”

“Uh, what does ‘explosive decompression’ mean?”

“I know an illusion when I see one.”

So, I found this hot girl on an online dating service.

So, you’re a girl… huh? …its hard to tell, ya know?

“im redaing a book called jet aircraft maintenance for dummies

“Either this wallpaper goes, or I go” - Oscar Wilde.

Lets go to mcdonalds mummy!

Hey watch this!
I can do that!
Look, no hands!
Yeah right.
Look out!
Run for your life!
Get to the choppa!!!
Everybody get down!!!
what is that thing??!!!
We made it!!!
Thank-you God!!!
It’s a miracle!!!
I’m alive!!!
♫ Stay’n alive, stay’n alive ♫
Get the f*ck out of my way!!!
I’m gonna kill you.
Good bye…
I’ll see you in hell!!!

Red wire?
Or blue wire?