I was watching a show on animal planet a couple of days ago and came across an interesting segment on fainting goats. I swear, it had to be the funniest thin I have ever seen. These goats have a genetic defect where they faint when they get scared. Actually, the goats don’t faint they lock up. This of course makes it more funny because instead of getting limp, these goats go stiff. Can you imagine a goat, in mid-stride, go completely stiff, fall down, and look as if it was newly stuffed.
When the goats lock up, it’s as if they are doing some sort of isometric exercise. As a result, fainting goats are more lean and big the normal goats. Sheepherders used the fainting goats. They would mix the goats into the flock. Whenever a threat would come around all the sheep would run away, and the goat would faint.
I was so astounded by this strange creature that I had to share. If any one had any idea where I might be able to obtain a fainting goat, please contact me.
I saw that episode, it was hilarious. The lady that owned the goats would run at them to scare them, and they would lock up and fall to the ground. She indicated it didn’t hurt the goats, but it was sure funny to watch.
Sounds like cataplexy which people with narcolepsy get.
Anyway, I was hanging out with this neurologist as a medical student a few years ago, and this guy was like the main specialist in our region with an interest in narcolepsy. Basically we had these patients who had abnormal sleep patterns and during the day some of them would have sudden onset of sleep which was triggered off by emotions. So it would be like- Ha ha ha ha, thonk (hit the ground). Or Argh! :o thonk (hit the ground).
I don’t know if this is the goat equivalent in humans but it’s quite a cool disease (as long as it’s not you that has it) Cataplexy