Failure Thread

This is the thread where you talk about failure. Whether it be failing some sort of test, a trick, or whatever it may be.:stuck_out_tongue: I don’t want it to be a real negative thread because, after all, failing at stuff is a part of life, and we are here for your support.:slight_smile:

So I’ll start out. Today I failed my behind-the-wheel test to get my license.:frowning: The DMV where I took the test was probably in one of the worst possible locations (right near downtown San Diego). Lots of one way streets, tons of traffic, and reaallly big, scary intersections. So I made 2 critical errors.

  1. A Fedex truck was stopped with its lights flashing in a 2-way street, (one lane in each direction with a left-hand turn lane in the middle). I stopped behind it, and wasn’t sure if I should pass it using the left-hand turn lane, so I waited until it moved (about a minute later). The instructor didn’t say anything, so I figured I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Apparently it’s considered “double parking” and I was “impeding traffic” even though I wasn’t directly responsible. :roll_eyes:

  2. I was making a right turn at one of these HUGE intersections. It was controlled by stop signs, but the other side of the intersection seemed like it was way off in the horizon. I looked both ways, and proceeded to make the turn, unaware that there was another car turning left from the opposite side of the intersection. I remember seeing the car, but not its turn signals, so I thought it was going straight. (I was facing west so the sun made it hard to see).

The important thing was that I did learn from my mistakes and I now feel more prepared for my next test, as I have a better idea of what to expect. I’m also going to schedule my next test at a DMV with less traffic. :smiley:



The night I learned to skid on my fixie I came up with an amazing idea: “Ima go really fast and go into the world’s longest skid!! yeah!!!”. It seemed bright at the time.

I got up to a very nice speed going down our main campus bike/walkway, and I flew right into a skid when I got to a very slick concrete area. Having never done a skid faster than jogging pace, I quickly happened upon the discovery of speed wobbles and proceeded to fall over. I managed to go into a nice fetal position slide through a puddle and ended up against a curb under a sprinkler (this was some time in November, I believe. A tad chilly). I didn’t try that again for a while after that incident…

Last week I went out searching for bottles of Sierra Nevada Harvest Ale. I failed to find any. I decided to settle for a six pack of Firestation 5 IPA instead. I was unfamiliar with the brewery and decided to give it a try (it is in Ukiah, CA). It wasn’t a good IPA. Failure!

Struck out twice on the beer quest twice in one night.

Thats pretty dissapointing about the beer, better luck next time!

I fail at killing the boredom at work all summer long

“Failure is not an option!” :sunglasses:

I failed at not having a great time at my orientation and also failed at not looking forward to the start of my first college semester.

Failure feedback – There’s always a bright side:

On the contrary, it was one of the best places to act as the gateway to getting your license. “Reaallly big, scary intersections?” These are the words of someone who isn’t ready for a license yet. Confidence is part of the equation of being a good, safe driver!

FedEx truck: Yup, it was doing the wrong thing, but when you’re out on the roads you will constantly be confronted by people doing wrong things. In this case the whole street cannot be held up waiting for an unknown length of time for Mr. delivery guy to get back in and start driving (I was once a UPS driver; there’s almost always a legal place to park or pull over).

Intersection: You wrote: “I looked both ways, and proceeded to make the turn, unaware that there was another car turning left from the opposite side of the intersection.”

“Unaware” is the keyword there. Unaware = didn’t see = didn’t know = didn’t notice. With unprotected pedestrians, cyclists or motorcyclists this can lead to death. That would be your major mistake on the test. You can’t expect other drivers to signal, even though they’re supposed to and it’s rude not to. It’s one of my two big peeves about drivers in California (the other is not knowing how to use the left lane).

In my experience, people who don’t pass their first road test turn out to be noticeably better drivers. Though there is still much to learn after your license is granted, you have a much better foundation if you’ve taken more than one road test. It’s a good thing! But yes, it’s a hassle.

(BTW, my “experience” is 3.5 years as a licensed driving instructor in the state of New York. California is a much better environment to learn to drive in, including most of the cities. There are too many peeves with NY drivers to make a list.)

Exactly. I fail at failure…

Never trust another car’s turn signal, on or off,
Learn defensive driving. (Expect EVERY driver to do the DUMBEST thing they can. Because at some point, they will.)
Better luck next time. Driving will get easier pretty quick.

John Childs; Have you tried the Stone IPA makers of Arrogant Bastard Ale?
My new favorite IPA!!

Beer threads never fail!

I fail at having fun, even though I think I have quite a bit of fun. I often find myself feeling indifferent about a lot of things that are supposed to be fun, like movies or other entertainment. Instead, I tend to become obsessed with crazy things like unicycling, and all the “normal” things just aren’t fun anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the feedback. Even though I am disappointed about failing, I would much rather fail a driving test than cause an accident. I have been practicing to be a more alert driver (checking my mirrors and blind spots every few seconds) but I think the reason I failed was because I was nervous and I overlooked a few crucial things.

i fail at bare knuckle fighting.

every single time.

I fail at making bad posts.
Every single time.

I fail at most things, But mostly roller skating, I caused a 3 person pile up and the third person didn’t get up he had to be carried off the ring! but as long as you have a laugh at the same time as failing its ok!

A liquid poem to the glory of the hop!

It is a good IPA. One of my favorites that I can get at the local grocery store beer isle. But there are better IPAs out there and that is my quest. To find them. Unfortunately my quest sometimes leads me to some duds.