Ohh today i got so mad, i told a skater i unicycle and he said, ohh skatings harder than unicycling. I was just like wat? are you kidding me? Anyone can ride a skateboard but it takes like a week just to ride a unicycle let alone do tricks on it. He said what tricks can you do on a unicycle? so i told him and he said, sounds pretty gay.
Grr i was so pissed off at him, i cant believe he would say that.
Has this happened to you before?
From Brendon.v
1) His obviously jealous because he can’t unicycle like the superiors that we are. 2) I would just forget it and just move on brendon. You can’t let 1 little jerk ruin your day. Besides he is riding on 4 wheels. Take 3 of his wheels off and lets see him ride then. 3) Yes it has but i don’t let it get to me. Cause when i mention to skateboarders if they want to race me and mimic the tricks that i can do. They just back off and skate away.
Somewhat has happened to me. Not directly, but I overhear it. I just launch over whatever they cant do. Then give a sightly “Hah, now what?!” look to them, or a mean “Ill huck my uni into face” look. Depends on my mood, and exactly what they say.
Generally though, I just don’t care. Some people are ignorant, unacceptable, and mean. You don’t need to let them affect you.
The concept of one skating being harder than unicycling is a little bit absurd. What skills exactly do you compare? Some things are harder on a uni, some things are harder on a skateboard. Some things take you longer to learn on a uni and vice versa.
But generally, both skating and unicycling are just as hard as you want them to be. You can always find new challenges and make it harder or you can step back and just do whatever you’re capable of already - keep it easy.
And if somebody tells you your tricks are gay, ask them if they are an expert in gay trickery.
I got one back for you a few days ago. Riding through a loca park on the sidewalk on my nimbus 36er. Two teenage kids on skateboards coming at me taking up the whole sidewalk.
I’m on my side thinking to myself (I’m not moving). They’re making comments while they’re coming at me. I don’t say a word, just stay on my line and pick up the pace just a little. When we’re about 5 feet from each other the idiot on my side of the sidewalk realizes his mistake and tries to bail.
I caught the edge of his board with my tire and sent it flying and did an OK UPD. They both start giving me a hard time to which I badged them (I’m the fuzz, a fuzz?) and asked the one I flattened if he new which side of the sidewalk was his. They got the point and went on their way. The fact that they wanted to play chicken with me pissed me off.
saying that unicycling is harder than skateboarding is just plain stupid.
YEah granted anyone can pick up a skateboard and go forward.
As Ivan said they are both as hard as you make them.
If that was me i would have run over the middle of their deck and snapped it into two and said don’t get in my way or thats what happens. haha i think they will get the picture.
A lot my friends are skaters (some pro, some just trying to go pro) and they think that unicycling is nuts. They are pro skaters, and tell me I’m insane (mainly b/c I not only ride but do tricks as well)
It just depends on the level of skater. A good skater will just give props were props are due and maybe even ask to try. However a bad skater, with their inferior skills, will feel just that…inferior and insecure b/c they suck at skating and are intimidated b/c they know they couldn’t unicycle in a million years.
Yeah most are totally cool and impressed, but there was a group of skaters at the beach a while back and one older skater tried pushing his board under my wheel as I rode by!
I immediatetly got off and walked up to him and asked what the heck he was doing. He replied: “I’m about to headbutt some guy on a sissy-ass unicycle and jack his ipod!”
That caught me offguard and because he outweighed me by a good 50 pounds and had all his buddies gathered 'round him, I just backed off, rolled my eyes at them, got back on and rode away.
yea i sometimes get that not only from skaters but from jocks 2… and im like… so how bout u try. And guess what they say… its usually something like “im not riding that gay little thing” or something like that. Its obvious that there just jealous and insecure losers.
You should have kept him talking as you slipped on your electric nuckle dusters, shocked him to the ground then rode off saying something like "you are are you? " or “what would make you want to do that?”
he would have said that if he was walking, or a bike or skating. A person is like that no matter what they do. the fact he was on a skateboard had nothing to do with it.