extra energy for natural trials

today i went to one of the local nature parks for the first time to see if i could find any cool lines, which i did, many of which will keep me going for some time but one thing i found was that i got tired much quicker than when i ride the same difficulty of obstacles on the street.

After a while i thought that this may be because when hoping across natural obsatcles the surfaces are never completly flat like in urban trials so u often have to land on a less appropiate spot then instanlt “huck” up to the good spot before you move onto the next rock.

Anyway has anybody else noticed the fact that riding on natural trials takes far more stamina then urban trials, or is it just me??

the juggler

Yeah, you don’t get any real resting time with natural trials…it’s great isn’t it!


Not only is there no time to rest, often the lines are longer than urban trials lines! Also, what’s nice is natural trials lines are much less intimidating. In urban, a 24" hnandrail jump, followed immediately by a 5’ gap is super intimidating. Natural trials has lines just as difficult, but not nearly as intimidating.

Yeah, good point. My favourite parts on all the unicycling movies are always the muni and natural trials sections.


bevin: you need to come down to the harbour jetti with me and jason. these natural trials lines are very intimidating. try hopping on a few of the big jacks. (I’m sure you’ve already been down there…)


Ohhhh, I’ve been there once with Nathan and Zack. I practically wet my pants on even the smallest hops. There’s one gap I’ve been meaning to look back at. I just want to look at now that I’ve improved and see hyow intimidating it is (I didn’t even consider trying it last time). Wilder ranch would be cool, too. BTW, I don’t really consider the jacks at the jetty to be natural, although the rocks near there most definitely are.