Express your gratitude to the USA for rescuing the world AGAIN!!

I know people in other nations were anxious that the financial crisis would soon affect them. Several days ago a US company went under, and it shook the world markets like a tidal wave. It’s common knowledge that people all over the world were fearing for the worst with these next crises, but…

Worry not, fellow Earthlings! George W. Bush and the US Taxpayers are coming to rescue YOU!

Don’t hold back with the enormous gratitude you must be experiencing, because the USA will, once again, rescue you.

This is the thread to let the people of the USA know how much you appreciate everything they’ve done for you, starting in 1776 when they became your model for democracy, right through the World Wars, where the USA saved the world, to today, where once again, the USA is saving you!

Congress hasn’t approved the bail-out… yet. I hope they don’t. They’re just delaying the inevitable collapse of some over-extended financial institutions at tremendous expense to future taxpayers.

Why not let 'em crash now?

I would like to thank America for making the world a better, fairer and safer place.

As soon as it happens, I will.

Where did that whole financial crisis originate, huh? Rescue the world… ha, you mean make an attempt to stop devastating the world. Thank you very much indeed.

That’s not quite the kind of gratitude we expect from the Netherlands.

Maybe you don’t recall George W. Bush saying: If you’re not with us, you’re against us!

Just suppose the USA doesn’t save you the next time Germany invades. Or al Quaeda.

Now I’m sure you other nations can do a better job of expressing you’re gratitude. You’re parents taught you how to say Thank you.


There is a good chance USA will lose it’s triple A rating in the near future, then be dumped by the rest of the world en masse, bringing a permanent global adjustment in the Western standard of living that will be very painful.

But, er… you have a nice day y’all!

Edit : double post

Your sense of gratitude is very self-serving. I don’t think you even know how to experience gratitude.

From teh AIG thread:

I think you know the answer to that.

The only way you in Panama stay afloat and free from Cuban Communism is through the protection of the USA. We’d sure appreciate your gratitude for all we continue to do for you.

Your sense of gratitude is very self-serving. I don’t think you even know how to experience gratitude.


That sense of humour may come in handy when you are working in a call centre for an Indian bank on $2 an hour…

That’s not going to happen… as Americans don’t learn foreign languages.

People do all sorts of funny things in a depression.

If it is the only way to get a job for someone who is desperate, poor and hungry with lots of time on their hands (the future Billy the Mountain staring longingly through the windows of the Indian call centre)…

Indians didn’t learn English because they’re just real helpful people that way. They did it to tap into Western wealth as a route out of poverty.

Thanks, Billy. You saved my day.:smiley:

They made mine into a foreign language!

Billy for President!!!

God Bless America :slight_smile:

US is saving US :wink:

We had some consequences here, the dollar is more expensive.

The Brazilian government is not having big troubles, since we was prepared to a problem like this, specially coming from USA.

We pay taxes too, and we are prepared for worse things than that so I don’t think that America is helping us. America is really causing problems for us, just that.

US citizens should be proud of a good government that was thinking in the future and problems, but Europe and other countries don’t have to gratify USA.

Yeah I forgot, Cuba have a big army and will try to put Panama under comunism!

I’m sorry, but Cuba isn’t in position of any offensives. And I don’t see a problem in Comunism, since people agree with it. China is the country that more grows in the world…

Why USA didn’t left Panama alone? I must say that USA loved Panama and is just helping them because they really loved each other!

USA would love to have total control of the Panama Channel, but since 2000 Panama have the control (Torrijos-Carter Treat). USA just “helped” Panama because was AFRAID of a new socialist country close to their
territory and because they had explicity comercial intentions.

Billy, no ofense, I really respect your love for USA, in the same way I love Brazil (even If I hate brazilian government), But I can’t agree with you that USA is helping the world.

The biggest part of the world was prepared for a problem like this, and today a USA comapanie went down. Next year if Toyota or Mitsubish goes down, Japan will “save the world”.

This USA attempt will try to recover American Ecnomy as the biggest priority. A better situation here is a consequence, but USA will not recovery our loses…

I will use the opportunity to thanks USA, because they helped to destroy the germany Hitler government, even with unecessery and terrible things (atomic bombs), USA did something that helped Germany and the humanity.

EDIT: Sorry about my poor english…

Not sure whether to take your original post as a joke or seriously. If seriously then I think you are extremely deluded… The US has caused so much harm in the world, and then to sit back and proclaim that you are the best and greatest and that the US saves the world… just does not sit right with me.

If a joke… then HAHA…

Who’s going to save us, then?

Probably China.

Please tell me you are joking Billy.

No seriously you have to be joking!

That’s a start!

You’re welcome!

Yes, you would think it was a joke if you were run by some brutal Dutch regime! Thankfully, the USA fouhgt against the Dutch word apartheid, and freed everyone!

You are very welcome!

Of all nations, Scotland should be grateful. You’d be writing in German if not for us!