Exploding whale!

You’ve got to check this out!
No, this is not Spam. Really. Rated PG for violence. And yes, animals were harmed in the making if it.

That’s almost as funny as the other famous exploding whale.

Unfortunately the Infamous Exploding Whale page is suffering from heightened interest in exploding whales and is down for the count right now. They have a cool video of the whale being blown up by dynamite and showering everyone with bits of whale bits.

Until the official Infamous Exploding Whale page is back online we’ll have to make do with a wannabe exploding whale page. It has some vid caps from the video, but it doesn’t give the same effect as the actual video.

Re: Exploding whale!

Amazing…they let the think rot for 11 days, then park it in the middle of a crowded city. Great moments in human intelligence…

Re: Re: Exploding whale!

They were driving through the city when that happened. They were driving it to the lab to do a necropsy.

Every time a whale explodes there is a lesson to be learned.

In Taiwan they learned that you do not drive a decaying whale through a city.

In Oregon they learned that you do not blow up a decaying whale with dynamite.

Valuable lessons for future generations so that they don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Re: Re: Re: Exploding whale!

Perhaps the true lesson is "you do not blow up a decaying whale with too little dynamite, or with too many nearby rubberneckers.

i am a proud Oregonian tonite,why you ask? because we blew that carcass up on our own terms.we didnt let some show stealer like Mother Nature dictate when the carnage (and the ungodly stench) would be unleashed…

Tom,more dynomite only means a bigger blanket of whale guts upon the earth,not total disintegration.next time we will just tow it out past the ocean shelf like the New Carrisa…then blow it up for good measure :sunglasses:

That page has links to a video of exploding whales towards the bottom, in the “The Evidence” box.

The noise of raining chunks was something I thought you only heard in cartoons…


Any way you look at it, whenever you put together the two words Exploding Whale, you’ve got yourself a great attention getter. (I should start more posts that way…)

Sweet! That is a hilarious bit of news footage.

They should’ve sold tickets.