Examples of artists promoting unicycle? - Peter Tosh - Mystic Man (Back side).jpg (0/1)

Hi there!

I am the happy owner of a KH29 unicycle (is that the right way one
should introduce himself on this forum? ;-p), and has always been very
impressed by the unicycle universe, long time before I actually began
to learn riding (4 years ago only).

As such, and as a “heavy-weight” music listener and movie watcher, I
could only be attracted by artists that would make use of the unicycle
as part of their “material”.

One of the strongest example I have in mind is taken from a Peter Tosh
album called “Mystic Man” (1979) - where one would discover on the
back side of the vinyl/CD Peter Tosh riding a unicycle!

(see attached picture - copyright EMI)

Usage of unicycle in movies seems to be not very common - to say the
least… The only example that comes to my mind is actually a scene
from Tim Burton’s “Last Day Before Christmas” - where one of the
creatures living in Halloween City rides a (very very small!)

I was just wondering if you would have other examples of the same kind

  • I would just find it so nice to hear about other similar stories!

Bye bye, Pascal.

In Monster’s Inc., near the end when they are on the former scare floor, after they have converted to using laughter for power, a monster rides across the front of the screen juggling while unicycling.

I don’t see the attachment…
but another place I’ve seen a unicycle is at the end of the movie The Ring, the woman rushes into the guys apartment to see him dead and there’s a unicycle by the door. It kind of falls over, so it’s really easy to see. There’s been similar threads before, if you use the search button.

welcome to our forums!!

I checked the newsgroup and the attachment didn’t make it through to giganews or Google. It got lost somewhere along the way.

Re: Examples of artists promoting unicycle? - Peter Tosh - Mystic Man (Back side).jpg (0/1)

On Sun, 22 May 2005 21:59:55 -0500, “john_childs” wrote:

>I checked the newsgroup and the attachment didn’t make it through to
>giganews or Google. It got lost somewhere along the way.

Pascal posted through Usenet. Rec.sport.unicycling as a usenet
newsgroup is designed to be a text-only group. Because of this, some
posting servers may remove attachments before relaying the post -
although some attachments have come through in the past.

There are (at least) two proper ways to ‘post’ pictures on

  1. The one most used is to post through www.unicyclist.com/forums in
    which case it IS possible to simply attach a picture - or some other
    file types for that matter. (In which case a valid link is generated
    in the equivalent usenet post.)
  2. Upload the picture somewhere else on the internet (mostly www) and
    then post the url in rsu.


Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

wouldnt you be grumpy if somone just said you had PMS? - jagur

here is an old thread

And here is a pic


Vid of andrew Tosh idling his uni on stage

ah, yes indeed. there are postive vibes coming from the SEARCH fuction.