Ever tried a Coker Wheelman?


I kind of like it. Maybe you could save a few kilo’s on the front brake.

I am so tempted to get one. :smiley: :smiley: Maybe the RBR version one though. For those who don’t know what i mean. Here you go. http://www.unicycle.com/shopping/shopexd.asp?id=440

penny farthings are SOOOOOOO fun

you can ride them on the front wheel like unicycles

That is so true, which is how unicycling came about. :smiley:

Yeah but guys this thread is about the Coker Wheelman and as rob.northcott posted earlier it has a freewheel hub which makes it nearly impossible to ride as a uni.

and for SteveJello: I’ve rode one before and it’s much more like a bike… you’ll have no problem riding one.