Ever noticed unicyclist.org's moving shadow?

Go onto www.unicyclist.org and move your mouse around the logo at the top that says unicyclist.org. The shadow moves! Have you ever noticed this?


buahahahahah I am doin it right now

That shadow thing is done with Macromedia Flash.

What’s more interesting is to view the HTML source for the web page. Go View >> Source or View >> Page Source. There’s some interesting comments in the source like some ASCII unicycle art.

And did anyone noticed from which famous brand this font has been stolen from?

Making this shade reminded me to a lack of math that I suffer:
setProperty(“shade”, _y, 5 + (0 - ((getProperty(“zoeker”,_y) -55) /5)));
setProperty(“shade”, _x, 20 + (0 - ((getProperty(“zoeker”,_x) -225) /10)));

In deed made with Macromedia Flash;
an Australian customer of unixcycle.com is a former employee of both Apple and Macromedia where he worked 12 years each. He has got a licence for Macromedia Flex (which is like Generator but works with XML files) and Flash communicator, Coldfusion and more. Only the licences for Flex is costing $19,999.-
And such amounts are only been paid by big name companies… who now are looking for experiencied designers/programmers for doing this stuff.
So, most likely I will have my testdrive on unicyclist.org, and see what this big interactivity potentential could add.
Then once I have enough of unicycling I still can take a boring job.

It’s the Kitty-Kat font.

Hey! So it is. It’s the font from a Kit Kat bar.

Ever noticed Tylers annoying qualitys?

hey i got a questionevan is that really you on that coker


what do you meen by duh
