ever make a rainstick?


garden a little dry? better get one.

The rain around here never sticks. It always runs right off.

yes, lots of times. the last time i made it with my youth group (age of 7 to 10)…:smiley:

Don’t think we need rain sticks around here.

We don’t have cacti here. If we would, I would make one. I can always buy one if I feel the need.

I made one in primary school… it was great!

Amen sister.

Common billy, how old are you? Those are for primary school kids.

Hey Mr. Hejdw, I’m old and I love them. They are very relaxing to listen to. Whenever I see them at travel stops along the way, I’m always tempted to buy one. Just never have…yet.

make one then… saves buying one!

i’m not judging you guys :slight_smile:

in the olden days, before there were white noise generators, people used to rig their rainstick onto like a very slow moving fan, so it would slowly rotate and keep pouring.