Evan Byrne is Catboy Catboy is Evan Byrne



you are completely right. Catboy and Evan are long lost twins, which explains their continuous arguments, it’s simply none more than sibling rivalry!

I dont see it

i see it, thats kinda weird… look at the nose, thats what i see…


yeah, the nose and the mouth/chin especially. and the hair a little bit too.
Catboy looks like Stevie, a runner on my team. kind of.

humm… sorta. They just could be two people who look sorta similar. Its harder to tell too cause if they are the same guy, one is obviously him when he was younger (evan pic=younger) so that would make it harder to tell for sure.

I see it and then I dont see it.

Catboy, Evan?
What do you think?

what if evan has just been playing us this hole time and hes catboy or the other way around

I have the exact same color and haircut catboy has. I think i kinda look like him.

you should post a pic too… then we can compare all 3 of you for fun!

Not the “finger in nose” one, I hope…

I can Asure you guys that i am not catboy.

i dont even see the resemblance.

hehe I don’t think Catboy is going to be happy…

Hell yea I ain’t happy!!!

Not at the fact that someone is comparing me to that ugly liang sonofagun, but the fact that someone would bring something like this up. Seriously. All this does is cause conflict. One that has been resolved to boot. I’m trashing this thread…

i think this is one of the funniest posts lately BUAHAHAHAHAAAHA

I look like Tom Cruise.

you kinda do dont you

i dont know if they look alike but htye both look like theyre mad at the world. ya feel

eh, comeon catboy, 'tis all in good fun. and you must admit you two do look rather alike!

I look like Brad Pitt.