I’m moving to Eugene this summer and am wondering if anyone on this list is from there. I’m looking for juggling and unicycling clubs in the area and advice on what area to live in and who to rent from. Can anyone help?
theres lots!
There is a juggling club at the University of Oregon. This page says unicycling is one of their activities and it appears that you don’t have to be student to participate.
Have fun!
Scott Arnold (and the rest of the Arnold family) lives in Springfield, right next to Eugene. Scott is one of the officers in the USA. Scott Arnold would be a good contact to find out what is going on in the Eugene area. You can find his contact info on the USA officers page.
I grew up in the Eugene-Springfield area but have since moved South…
Be sure to check out “Flying Clipper” when you show up… it’s the place where I fell in love… I saw a 24x3.0" unicycle there and shortly thereafter bought my first uni
I too am from Springfield, OR but have moved away. I have a friend there who still unicycles, but not so much lately and he’s not part of the unicycle community. I tried to attend a U of O juggling club meeting once but no one else showed up, so that may not be the greatest source. But again the Arnold family undoubtably is the largest club or group in town. The live at 5th and E in Springfield, in the summer there is a standard skills circle painted on the street and you’ll see them out there any warm night in the summer.
I bought my first unicycle at Bike Barn on Coburg Rd. It was a Savage I went there though because their yellow page ad said “from 1 to 3 wheels”
My friend’s first unicycle was from the Bike Barn as well (I think). I fell in love with unicycling out in front of the U of O when a guy passed us while crossing the street (where the old Burger King was). I point it out to everyone I show Eugene to.
thats just 50 or so miles from muni paridise.and about 68 miles from my front door.
I was looking at renting a house in springfield - is it pretty much the same as eugene or is it kind of like eugenes dirty neighbor like in some other cities?
Where would y’all recommend living?
It all depends on what you want. From my experience growing up in Cottage Grove (about 15 miles away), Springfield is more conservative, a little more upper class. Eugene is smack in the middle of Hippie World (Tie-Dye is called “Eugene Camouflage”). So which do you prefer? Are you going to the University of Oregon?
Springfield IS the dirty neighbour, more conservative? yes, more upper class? No.
Springfield is still a city, but it feels a little backwoods compared to Eugene. Eugene is more liberal than Springfield, but I don’t know why someone would make the assumption that makes them lower class. If you look at income and housing prices for Eugene and Springfield, Eugene is clearly more “upper class”
And more hippie which implies that there are areas of Eugene that hippies can afford.
Springfield has the advantage that the ELF doesn’t burn SUVs on dealership lots in Springfield but they do in Eugene.
In defense of Eugene, they do have some good locally brewed beer there.
You’re making the assumption that hippies don’t have money. Some do some don’t, but to assume that Springfield is more upper clss because Eugene has more hippies is just ludacrist, but I of course am making less than favorable assumptions about Paco based on his local, so I guess I really can’t complain about his atrocious geographical stereotyping
That’s where the fun is.
I’m an OSU Beaver and also went to Jr High while in Corvallis. My opinion of Eugene is highly biased. But that’s where the fun is.
Eugene and Springfield are close enough that you can attend concerts and other events in Eugene if you were living in Springfield. Eugene is going to have more of those sorts of things than Springfield, especially with the university being there.
Neighborhood-wise, I don’t know anything about the different neighborhoods in Eugene and Springfield. Different neighborhoods have a different flavor. You’d have to talk to someone local to find out about the neighborhood flavors in different areas and decide what area best fits what you want to do.
You could try Googling for city guides that describe neighborhoods in Eugene and Springfield. Might give you a better sense for the different areas.
So, did you grow up in Eugene? You definitely seem biased against Springfield.
True, Eugene has some very rich areas. I’ve been to parties in some of the mansions there. Then again, the people I’ve known from Springfield have been pretty upper class. And I’ve hung around the university parts of Eugene, which are a lower class breed. I am generalizing, I admit, but so were you when you said, “Springfield IS the dirty neighbour”
Springfield certainly seems to have lower rent, which is nice. I may be going to lane CC taking EMT classes and heading up to the real university for juggling clubs etc - and I want to be able to bike there (half the reason for moving to eugene) So assuming biking out of springfield isn’t a problem I don’t mind living with “lower class” if that is what they are. I fit in better with poorer people anyway. That being said where I am moving from I haven’t locked my door in 6 years so I not really looking for somewhere that’s “ghetto.”
I need to e-mail those people you guys have mentioned. Thanks for all your help so far. Any other random advice?
No need to worry, Springfield isn’t “ghetto” it’s white trash. Obviously not all of it is, but the sketchier parts of it are.
I didn’t grow up in Eugene I grew up in Springfield. The University area is not “lower class” it’s students there is a difference. I think my main problem is that you’re confusing what upper and lower class really is using the conservative-liberal spectrum rather than that socioeconomic spectrum.
Both towns have richer areas and poorer areas but there is no terrible poverty or anything. Ideologically Eugene is a little bit more liberal, and Springfield is a bit more backwoodsy.
Sounds good to me.
Y’all know about the difference between St Louis and West St Louis, right? That’s all I was afraid of. Sometimes maps can be very decieving.